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A good, pure-hearted man, like William Cullen Bryant; a man so honest, so simple and earnest, so truly great, that with a deep knowledge of the world about him he worshiped God, honored his fellow-man, and loved nature as a child loves its mother such a man could not be far removed from young sympathies.

During the last few seconds, however, she had grown paler. She suddenly took my hand and gave it a little squeeze. "You really are a little more than nice!" she said. We drove to the police station and Mr. Cullen ushered us at once into a private room, where an inspector was seated at a table. "Mr. Hennessey, sir," he began, "I have a charge of theft against this man and his daughter.

And I pointed to some cartridge-shells that lay on the ground beside the mail-car. "My theory of aerial bullets won't do." "The shells are as hollow as I feel," laughed Miss Cullen. "Your suggestion reminds me that I am desperately hungry," I said. "Suppose we go back and end the famine." Most of the passengers had long since returned to their seats or berths, and Mr.

"You're a nice, quiet, gentlemanly little optimist, and I like you, old fellow," retorted Cullen. "But don't deceive yourself too much. Your Senator Langdon is personally one of the best ever. But he was born a mark, and a mark he'll be to the end of time. "He looks good now. Sure, I like his speeches, and all that, but just wait.

"How do you know that he didn't get rid of them to some one in either the Cecil or the Savoy?" "Because," Mr. Cullen explained, "he was followed by one of my men through both places and not lost sight of for a single second. You see, I made sure he would come to Stephano's and I was on the other side of the Strand, but I had left a man in case he went the other way.

Cowes and Cullen, who perhaps thought themselves a little neglected by the great light of the Union, there passed occasionally nods and winks, which were meant to imply much.

Arrived at the bottom of the gulch once more, the detectives halted for another long consultation. Katz seemed to be in favor of following the party which had gone down the valley in the hope of getting hold of Chester, while Cullen was of the opinion that they might be able to capture the escaped convict himself by lingering around the cavern where the fire had been so mysteriously kindled.

"Well, I hope Father McGrath isn't far off thin," and he looked at a watch nearly as big as a church clock, "for I'm very hungry, and, my! it's only twenty minutes to six " This gave Thady the very unwelcome intelligence that Father Cullen meant to dine at the cottage. "And now the pony's lamed undher me, I had to walk all the way to Loch Sheen, in the dirt and gutther."

One of the many expressions of this was made by Countee Cullen: What is Africa to me: Copper sun or scarlet sea, Jungle star or jungle track, Strong bronzed men, or regal black Women from whose loins I sprang When the birds of Eden sang? The Renaissance also included an outcropping of Negro novelists.

Parker declared with dignity. "Neither my friend nor myself knows anything about his pocketbook." "I am sorry," Mr. Cullen said politely, "but I shall have to trouble you to come with me to Bow Street at once and you, too, sir," he added, addressing the old gentleman. "I am a police officer and we will go into the matter there. You will agree with me that it is well not to make a disturbance here.