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Indeed, even in his own day, Bryant's reputation waned somewhat, for he never fulfilled the promise of that first volume, and "To a Waterfowl" and "Thanatopsis" remain the best poems he ever wrote. William Cullen Bryant was born at Cummington, Massachusetts, in 1794, the son of a physician, from whom he received practically all his early training, and who was himself a writer of verse.

"Well, Denis that'll do, Judy," meaning that Judy need not listen any longer, at any rate within the room "so you are going to get married, are you?" "Didn't Father Cullen say anything to your riverence about it, then?" "Oh, yes, he did then; I didn't remember it just at first, when Judy mentioned your name." "Iss, yer riverence; if ye plaze, I am going to be married."

"My friend Cullen," he remonstrated, "I have no objection to offering myself up as a victim to your super-abundant energy and trotting about with you wherever you choose; but when it comes to dragging my friends into it, I just want to say right here that I think you are carrying things a little too far just a little too far, sir." "If either of you seriously object to my request," Mr.

Cullen," I yelled, as my friends halted and raised their rifles, and, fortunately, the cowboys had opened up enough to let them hear me and see that I was free of the rope. Escorted by Camp, Baldwin, and the cowboys, I walked towards them. On the way Baldwin said, in a low voice, "Deliver the letters, and we'll tell the boys there has been a mistake. Otherwise "

Cullen, who took everything in downright earnest, clasped his dirty hands, and exclaimed, "If the church required it, and it was God's will, I hope I would." "Well, well, but it'll be just at present much more comfortable for all parties you should square round a little, and take your punch.

"In not cutting the wires?" she asked. "In everything," I replied. "But the worst botch is their waiting till we had just passed the Arizona line. It they had held us up an hour earlier, it would only have been State's prison." "And what will it be now?" "Hanging." "What?" cried Miss Cullen. "In New Mexico train-robbing is not capital, but in Arizona it is," I told her.

Before these military successes had been gained, the leaders of the Union cause were compelled to nominate a candidate for the Presidency. Sumner, Greeley, William Cullen Bryant, and many other men of great influence opposed Lincoln's renomination. A convention of radical Republicans met at Cleveland during the last days of May. It nominated John C. Frémont for President.

"Might have guessed that miserable little Cullen was up to her old sneaking ways." And to explain Mac's former "dratting," the Maluka said: "It's a way the rivers have up here. They entice travellers over with smiles and promises, and before they can get back, call down the flood waters and shut them in."

Cullen came to me now and asked me to reverse the arrangement and make my car the tail end. I was giving orders for the splitting and kicking in when No. 3 arrived, and thus did not see the greeting of Frederic Cullen and his family.

Walmsley here to accompany me at once to Bow Street. And," he added, suddenly leaning across the table, "move your right hand, please! Don't make a disturbance for Luigi's sake! If you want trouble you can have it." Mr. Parker raised his hand at once. "Trouble?" he echoed. "That's the last thing I'm looking for." Mr. Cullen smiled grimly. "Ah! I thank you," he said. "A pearl necklace, I see!