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"I believe you're purty near the truth," replied Jemmy, "but I was near forgettin' it seems the Crowner of the country is sick, an' there can't be an inquest held till he recovers; if he ever does recover, an' if it 'ud sarve poor ould Dalton, that he never may, I pray God this day! come away, you'll be killed for stayin'."

'An we buried him aw reet an proper, said Reuben at last, wiping his brow, damp with this unwonted labour of brain and tongue. 'Mr. Gurney he would ha it aw done handsome; and we put him in a corner o' Kensal Green, just as close as might be to whar they'd put her after th' crowner had sat on her. Yor feyther had left word, an Mr. Gurney would ha nowt different.

"What I say is and I say it agen -I reckon nowt at all o' crowners' quests!" he was affirming, as Collingwood and his guide drew near the curtained opening. "What is a crowner's quest, anyway? It's nowt but formality all form and show it means nowt. All them 'at sits on t' jury does and says just what t' crowner tells 'em to say and do.

Sez I: 'Well, Miss Angerline, you had better sarch me and be done with it, if you are the judge, and the jury, and the crowner, and the law, and have got the job to run this case. Sez she, a-squinting them venomous eyes of her'n, till they looked like knitting needles red hot: 'I leave the sarching to be done by the cunstable when you are 'rested and handcuffed for 'betting of murder. Then my dander riz.

"And then the crowner steps forward to take the handkerchief off the face of the body, it being the perquisite of a crowner so to do," Mrs.

We does not intend, if we can help it, to lend a hand in jailing Miss Ellie's child, and so, after the Crowner had 'liceted all the facts as he said, and the verdict was made up, Bedney and me didn't feel no crampings in our conscience, about holding our tongues.

"An' Seth Bede's been to me this morning to say he wished me to tell Your Reverence as his brother Adam begged of you particular t' allow his father's grave to be dug by the White Thorn, because his mother's set her heart on it, on account of a dream as she had; an' they'd ha' come theirselves to ask you, but they've so much to see after with the crowner, an' that; an' their mother's took on so, an' wants 'em to make sure o' the spot for fear somebody else should take it.

"Art Maguire had broken the pledge, gone home drunk, and killed his only son by the blow of an iron bar on the, head; the crowner had been sent for, an' plaise God we'll have a full account of it all." In part of this, however, common fame, as she usually is, was mistaken; the boy was not killed, neither did he then die.

Hankey, if you'd found so little after expecting so much." "In course I should; it wasn't in flesh and blood not to be, and station-master and crowner are but mortal, like the rest of us. I assure you, when I first heard the story, I pitied them from the bottom of my heart." "And what became of Peter in the midst of it all, Mrs. Hankey?"

She is crowned with a beautiful wreath of flowers and presides for the rest of the day over the amusements of her subjects. In the picture you see the May pole the Queen, the crowner, and her two maids of honor. Who does not like Strawberries? They are the most delicious of all berries. They are to be found growing in a wild state in almost all temperate climates.