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He stood up on his hind legs and bowed politely. Then, after clearing his throat, of which there was much need, for even with this precaution it sounded very croaky, he addressed the children. "Monsieur and Mademoiselle," he began, "are very welcome to what we have done for them the small service we have rendered.

"But of course if it's wet" insinuated Elsie persistently, only to be frowned down by her companions, who were eager to impart the second and most exciting piece of intelligence. "It won't be wet, Croaky! Don't say that again. That's one piece of news, then; now for the other! Three guesses, Kitty, for a really convulsing piece of local gossip." "Maud is engaged?" "Not yet!

They looked very cool, very much at their ease, and very well inclined for tea. Reggie's face was rather white, and the look in his blue eyes suggested that London was getting altogether the better of him. "Wholesome things almost always disagree with me," said Madame Valtesi, in her croaky voice, "unless I eat them at the wrong time.

"Dear old Bill," The Pilot was saying, "dear old Bill," and the voice was breaking into a sob. And Bill, standing stiff and straight, looked up at the stars, coughed and swallowed hard for some moments, and said, in a queer, croaky voice: "Shouldn't wonder if a Chinook would blow up." "Chinook?" laughed The Pilot, with a catch in his voice.

"Or a magpie," answered she, with a capital imitation of Mistress Mag's croaky voice. "Do you suppose I am always sentimental, and never funny? If anything makes you happy, gay, or grave, don't you think it is more than likely to come through your old godmother?" "I believe that," said the boy tenderly, holding out his arms. They clasped one another in a close embrace.

I'm afraid it will kill us both!" Thomas Jefferson uttered a mournful little croaky sound that might have been "ET TU, BRUTE?" It pierced Rebecca Mary's breast. "There, hush, poor dear, poor dear, and rest. You'll need all your sleep," she crooned softly and brokenly. "Tomorrow morning I'll give you some beautiful corn, and then and then I'm going to take you to Mrs.

Instead of going to Piccadilly she went home to her lodgings. It was about half-past nine when she arrived and opened the door with her latchkey. Mrs. Brigg happened to be in the passage en route to the kitchen from some business in the upper regions. She stared upon Cuckoo with amazement. "What ever," she began, her voice croaky with interrogation. "Are you ill? What are you back for?"

She did not even glance at it, but as she went by it she heard an old, croaky voice say: "Benedicite!" Never before had the Sicilian greeting sounded horrible in her ears. She did not reply to it. She could not. And Gaspare said nothing. They hastened on in silence till they reached the high-road by Isola Bella, the road where Maurice had met Maddalena on the morning of the fair. It was deserted.

She leant on a tall stick and limped and shuffled and stumbled along as if she were going to fall on her nose at any moment. In this fashion she came along till she got to the stall where Jem and his mother were, and there she stopped. 'Are you Hannah the herb seller? she asked in a croaky voice as her head shook to and fro. 'Yes, I am, was the answer. 'Can I serve you? 'We'll see; we'll see!

I have just determined to send a challenge to Bishop Sharpe whom these English call the best of their light weights. Perhaps he is, but if I don't " "The Bishop is a good man," interrupted his companion of the greatcoat and glazed hat, in a strange croaky tone. "Is it a good man that you are calling him?" said the captain. "Well, be it so; the more merit in my baiting him."