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"Those G.&M. people were after us in earnest. If they'd had their way, we'd never have got the cribbing." She looked up. "You see, they had told Sloan he's the man that owns the lumber company and the city of Ledyard and pretty much all of the Lower Peninsula that they hadn't any cars; and he'd just swallowed it down and folded up his napkin.

Tinkleby was incensed at this cool reception of his proposal, and harangued his comrades during a temporary absence of Mr. Ward from the classroom. "They think such a confounded lot of themselves, with their miserable essays and dry debates. I'll bet we could stand up and spout as well as they can, on any subject you like to mention, from cribbing to astronomy."

Then, in low tones that could not be overheard by other patrons of the ice cream place, Dick Prescott told the story of Dodge's cribbing at West Point, and of the way that Bert nearly succeeded in palming his guilt off on to Prescott. "I'd believe every word of that yarn, even if a plumb stranger told it to me," declared Hazelton. "It has all the earmarks of truth.

In the first place you want to quit this getting out on the job and doing a laborer's work. The office is paying out good money to the men that should do that. You know how to lay a corbel, but just now you couldn't tell me how much cribbing was coming. You're paid to direct this whole job and to know all about it, not to lay corbels.

I wanted to find out how much of it really was cut." "It's all cut and stacked by the siding, taking up half the yard. Want to see it?" Bannon smiled and nodded. "Here's a good cigar for you," he said, "and you're a good fellow, but I think I'd like to see the cribbing." "Oh, that's all right," laughed Dennis. "I'd have said the same thing if it wasn't cut. Come out this way."

I told him you put the barge on rollers and towed it up to Ledyard with a traction engine. The letter from Sloan was to the effect that twelve cars were at that moment on the yard siding, loading with cribbing, and that all of it, something more than eighteen hundred thousand feet, would probably be in Chicago within a week. A note was scribbled on the margin in Sloan's handwriting.

At ten o'clock Monday morning, Bannon, looking out through the dusty window of the trolley car, caught sight of the elevator, the naked cribbing of its huge bins looming high above the huddled shanties and lumber piles about it. A few minutes later he was walking along a rickety plank sidewalk which seemed to lead in a general direction toward the elevator.

They have a tremendous short line on the Chicago Board, and they mean to deliver it. Twenty-two hundred thousand has got to be in the bins there at Calumet before the first of January unless the Day of Judgment happens along before then. Never mind what it costs you. P.S. MacBride has got down an atlas and is trying to figure out how you got that cribbing to the lake.

"There isn't a thing for it on God's earth but switchbacks and five-per-cent. grades down to the bottom of the creek and cribbing across it till the new line is ready. Wire Callahan and Morris Blood, and get everything you can for me before we start."

He studied it attentively for a while; then he sent a telegram: MACBRIDE & COMPANY, Minneapolis: G. & M. R. R. wants to tie us up. Will not furnish cars to carry our cribbing. Can't get it elsewhere inside of three weeks. If so, can they have one or more steam barges at Manistogee within forty-eight hours? Wire Ledyard Hotel. It was an hour's ride back to Ledyard.