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This communication, though anonymous, is none the less benevolent. I desire your peace and your happiness. Madame de Maintenon at Loggerheads with Madame de Thianges. The Mint of the D'Aubigne Family. Creme de Negresse, the Elixir of Long Life. Ninon's Secret for Beauty. The King Would Remain Young or Become So. Good-will of Madame de Maintenon.

Isabelle tossed her head. "I am not anxious for the opportunity," she said coldly. "Likely the child will be a perfect heathen after running wild among savages all her life." Louis whistled. "A little less Grundy and a little more geography would be to your advantage, Isabelle! Barbadoes happens to be the crème de la crème of the British Indies.

Lady Palliser sank in a low curtsey when Ida murmured a rather vague presentation, and again beheld the Countess's eternal laws violated by her guests, for the Colonel and his wife shook hands with a vigour which in the 'Creme de la Creme' was stigmatised as a barbarous vulgarity; while Aunt Betsy was so taken up with Ida that, after a smile and a nod, she actually turned her back upon the lady of the house.

Soup for a country dinner should be clear bouillon, with macaroni and cheese, creme d'asperge, or Julienne, which has in it all the vegetables of the season. Heavy mock-turtle, bean soup, or ox-tail are not in order for a country dinner.

I dinna fear anything thot comes fra' a bottle. Pass'er oot! "An' thot he did. 'Twas 'creme de menthay' on th' bottle. 'An', says he, ''Twon't make ye dhrunk. But he was a liar, beggin' yer pardin. "For by an' by Oi see his head a growin' larger an' larger, until Oi couldn't see annything but a few loights on th' cailing, an' a few people on th' edges, loike.

At noon when lunch was ready, they found it necessary to wait for Thomas, who had not yet come home. His brothers Francois and Antoine complained in a jesting way, saying that they were dying of hunger, while for her part Marie, who had made a /creme/, and was very proud of it, declared that they would eat it all, and that those who came late would have to go without tasting it.

With her sharp old eyes, she traversed the empty vastness of the gilded halls that were wont to swarm with the creme de la creme of Paris, and understood the matter at once. She had scarcely had time to reciprocate the politeness of her hostess before two other carriages rolled into the court-yard and two more distinguished names were announced by the usher.

"Here is some creme de the, a liqueur of the West Indies," said Canalis. "You, whom Mademoiselle Modeste consults " "Yes, she consults me." "Well, do you think she loves me?" asked the poet. "Loves you? yes, more than she loves the duke," answered the dwarf, rousing himself from a stupor which was admirably played. "She loves you for your disinterestedness.

"So there stood the Indian, bowing and salaaming most politely and when Rush had promised me he would send my Creme de menthe that very morning, I just looked through a wine list for a moment, and the Indian with quantities more bows came up to the counter and said, 'If you will have the great goodness to give me a little brandy bottle. So Rush gave it him, and instead of paying for it, what do you think he said?

I have noticed several wrinkles round your eyes you should massage with some 'creme ivoire' and tap those lines you really should tap on to them so " and Mrs. Bludlip Courtenay illustrated her instructions delicately on her own pink- and-white dolly face with her finger-tips "I spend quite an hour every day tapping every line away round my eyes but you've really got more than I have "