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I dinna fear anything thot comes fra' a bottle. Pass'er oot! "An' thot he did. 'Twas 'creme de menthay' on th' bottle. 'An', says he, ''Twon't make ye dhrunk. But he was a liar, beggin' yer pardin. "For by an' by Oi see his head a growin' larger an' larger, until Oi couldn't see annything but a few loights on th' cailing, an' a few people on th' edges, loike.

Ut queered me, sorr, for a minute, and me impulse is to run; but I gets me courage up, springs across the room, touches the electhric button, an' bzt! every gas-jet on the flure loights up!" "That was rash, Barney," I put in, sarcastically. "It was in your intherest, sorr," said he, impressively. "And you saw what?" I queried, growing very impatient.

We went vorward to a place whar there war a break in the rocks, and a sort of valley ran down to the sea. There war a lot of men standing aboot, and just as we coom up thar war a movement and we hears as the loights had been shown and the vessel war running in close. Down we goes wi' the others, and soon a boat cooms ashore.

Russell, "leave me not oh, Your Sacred Majesty, desert me not!" "Shure I'm only going to get loights," said "His Majesty." "Oh, forsake me not! Be not so cruel!" "Crool! Ah, be off wid yer nonsinse!" said "His Majesty." "Whisht now, jool sure I'll be back in a jiffy. If it's any one that's got in, I'll find him whin I come back; an' if it's a ghost, why, it's just as well to know it."

"Oh, your Majesty," cried Mrs. Russell, "do not forsake me! Without you it is too too too horrible!" "Shure ain't I telling yez," said "His Majesty," "that I'm only goin' to get loights, an' that I'll be back in a jiffy? Be quiet, now, an' it 'll be all right." With these words "His Majesty" tried gently but firmly to disengage Mrs. Russell's clasped arms from about his neck.