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The romantic young nobleman of Westphalia arrives at Paris, and is admitted into what a celebrated female author calls la creme de la creme de la haute volee of Parisian society. He is a youth of about twenty years of age.

In Melbourne the scattered position of the suburbs and the extent of the population splits up the élite into several local societies, but there is yet one crême de la crême.

"Tell me one thing," she said, leaning toward me rather eagerly "a thing I have wanted to know for many years just from a woman's curiosity, of course have you ever dared since that night to touch, smell or look at white roses at white roses wet with rain and dew?" I took a sip of creme de menthe.

To which his reply had been just of the happiest. "I don't feel, my dear, if you really want to know, that anything much can now either hurt me or help me. Such as I am but you'll see for yourself. Say, however, I am a galantuomo which I devoutly hope: I'm like a chicken, at best, chopped up and smothered in sauce; cooked down as a creme de volaille, with half the parts left out.

Cockayne having been very successful for many years in the soap-boiling business, to the great discomfort and vexation of the noses of his neighbours, and having amassed fortune enough to keep himself and wife and his three blooming daughters among the crême de la crême of Clapham, and in the list of the elect of society, known as carriage-people he had given up the soap-boiling to his two sons, and had made up his mind to enjoy his money, or rather so much of it as Mrs.

"You will find that I am not altogether an anchorite," Dartrey observed, as they settled into their places. "I am a lover of old brandy. The '68 I recommend especially, Tallente, and bring your chair round to the fire. There are cigars and cigarettes at your elbow. Miller, I think I know your taste. Help yourself, won't you?" Miller drank crème de menthe and smoked homemade Virginia cigarettes.

The unhappy slip became the staple of Saratoga conversation. I want to sit among the parvenus." "Of course you do, sir," answered Morris, supposing he meant the circle of the creme de la creme. And so the thing went on multiplying itself. Poor papa doesn't understand it yet, I don't dare to explain. "Yes!" replied pa, innocently, "that's what they say.

Next he proposed either a potage madrilene or a creme de volaille, Marie Louise. Kedzie chose the latter because it was the latter. She mumbled: "I think a little cremmy vly Marie Louisa would be nice." She was amazed to find later how much it tasted like chicken soup. "We don't want any fish, do we?" Ferriday moaned. "Or do we?

She foresaw ruin for herself in this London, inclement, misty and inscrutable. And then she noticed a man looking at her, and she was herself again and the universe was itself again. She had a sensation of warmth and heavenly reassurance, just as though she had drunk an anisette or a crême de menthe.

A deeper tinge now rested upon the purely oval cheek as the girl returned the recognition of a thoughtful-looking young man who had the air and manner of one possessed with more common sense than generally falls to the lot of the young men courted by the creme de la creme. "Miss Verne, I see that you too are bent upon enjoying this glorious evening; the old year is going out in all its serenity."