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"They had decided that their interests would be more valuable by some arrangement with Mr. Whitney, who controls so much down in Peru." "Do you think that Senora de Moche exercises a very great influence on Mr. Whitney?" asked Craig, purposely introducing the name of the Indian woman to see what effect it might have on her. "Oh," she cried, with a little exclamation of alarm, "I hope not."

"Take-off and climb?" said the co-pilot. "Blowers?" "Low." "Fuel selectors?" The co-pilot moved his hands again to the appropriate controls, verifying that they were as he reported them. "Main on," he said matter-of-factly, "crossfeed off." The transport plane slanted down steeply for the landing field that had looked so small at first, but expanded remarkably as they drew near.

The Nabob gives a start. And the little Paganetti, who feels the bait quiver on his hook: "Yes, deputy. You will be that whenever I choose. At a sign from me all Corsica is at your disposal." Then he launches out into an astonishing improvisation, counting the votes which he controls, the cantons which will obey his call. "You bring me your capital. I I give you an entire people."

Slowly turning the controls, Seaton flashed the projection over the girdling Osnomian sea and guided it through the impregnable metal walls of the palace into the throne room of Roban, where they saw the Emperor, Tarnan the Karbix, and Dunark in close conference. "Well, here we are," remarked Seaton. "Now we'll put on a little visibility and give the natives a treat."

On the professor's right, as he stood at the tiller, was an upright lever working in a quadrant, and communicating, like the tiller and indeed all the other apparatus with the interior of the ship. "This," said the professor, directing attention to the lever, "is the lever which controls the valves of the main engines.

Fowler anxiously, but the old preacher appeared to have no weapons with which to meet the occasion. Douglas felt that the situation was getting out of hand. He knew how to meet physical resistance, but he realized that he was only a novice in the sort of strategy that controls by mental superiority alone. He ground his teeth together. "I'm young yet and I'll learn! See if I don't!"

The latter cannot read an army-signal, and neither can the officers, with all their striving and scheming, gain a key that will enable them to read the Indian code. It is as much of a mystery as the manner in which a chief conducts a drill of his warriors or controls them in battle without appearing to hold any communication with them.

The beholder is at first astonished, perhaps terror-stricken; but he takes himself in hand, controls his thoughts, views the apparition calmly, and finally calculates its orbit and its relation to meteor showers.

Some products, priced out of domestic markets, and others, priced out of world markets, have piled up in government hands. In a world in which millions of people are hungry, destruction of food would, of course, be unconscionable. Yet surplus stocks continue to threaten the market and in spite of the acreage controls authorized by present law, surpluses will continue to accumulate.

I side-stepped in time to miss another ponderous blow. Under two and a half gees, the man in the suit was having a hard time, even with power assisted controls. I felt that I was fighting a machine instead of a man. As he stepped toward me again, I aimed at his foot. A concentrated stream of needles hit, like a metallic fire hose, knocked the foot aside, toppled the man again.