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Do you not observe how he increases the number of his attendants daily? Memmo. Nay, that is an undoubted fact. Contarino. And then, to what an unbounded extent has he carried his influence. The Signoria, the Quaranti, the Procurators of St. Mark, the Avocatori, all think and act exactly as it suits the Doge's pleasure and convenience!

I instantly threw my purse on the table, promised them mountains of gold, and fixed on particular days, hours, and signals which were necessary to facilitate our future intercourse. For the present I only required that Manfrone, Conari, and Lomellino should be removed with all possible expedition. All. Bravo. Contarino.

I understand, also, that since Conari's death you have been reconciled to the Cardinal Gonzaga; and that he has convinced you how unjust were the prejudices with which Conari had inspired you against the nobility Parozzi, Contarino, and the rest of that society.

The senator Vitalba began to tremble for his thousand sequins, and the conspirators could not restrain their spiteful laughter, when Contarino gravely declared that he would gladly lose, not ONE thousand sequins, but twenty, if the loss of his wager through Abellino's being captured might but secure the general safety of the Republic. "Hark!" cried Rosabella, "the clock strikes five!"

Contarino. We stood as if we had been petrified; not a soul could stir a finger. "In the name of the Doge and the Republic," cried Flodoardo, "yield yourselves and deliver your arms." "The devil shall yield himself sooner than we," exclaimed one of the banditti, and forced a sword from one of the officers.

Nay, the discontented populace, which at present sides with us, would be perfectly well pleased if the sport began this very night; delay the business longer, and their anger against Andreas will cool, and render them unfit for our purpose. Contarino. Then let us decide the game at once; be to-morrow the important day. Leave the Doge to my disposal.

Faith, it is certain, Parozzi, that Lomellino has declared to the Doge as a truth beyond doubting that you, and none but you, were the person who instigated Matteo to attempt Rosabella's life. Parozzi. And I tell you again that Lomellino knows not what he says. Contarino. Well, well, only be upon your guard. Andreas is a terrible fellow to deal with. Falieri. HE terrible.

Falieri. Excellent sophistry, by my honour. Why, Contarino, ancient Rome has had an irreparable loss in not having numbered you among her orators. It is a pity, though, that there should be so little that's solid wrapped up in so many fine-sounding words.

By what means should our designs have been made known to him? The thing is impossible. Memmo. Impossible? What, when there's scarce a cutpurse, housebreaker, or vagabond in Venice who has not been enlisted in our service, would it be so strange if the Doge discovered a little of the business? A secret which is known to so many, how should it escape his penetration? Contarino.

A thousand sequins on Flodoardo seizing him Andreas. And delivering him up to me, either alive or dead. Contarino. Illustrious signors, you are witnesses of the wager. My Lord Vitalba, there is my hand on it. A thousand sequins! The Senator. Done. Many thanks for your gold, signor. I look on it as already in my purse.