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You will be surprised at our making such a mighty matter of a visit from the Defenders, you who have had soldiers sitting up in your kitchen for weeks; but you will consider that this is our first visit. The arts of peace are going on prosperously. The new room is almost built, and the staircase is completed: long may we live to run up and down it. To MISS RUXTON.

"And what do they consider goodness in girls?" asked Lady Locke. "Oh, girls are always good till they are married," said Madame Valtesi. "And after that it isn't supposed to matter." "English girls are like country butter," said Esmé "fresh. That is all one can say about them." "And that is saying a good deal," said Lady Locke. "I don't think so," said Lord Reggie.

The quality of the picture is one of sheer colour; there is here no other "subject" than a beautiful nude woman, it is called a Magdalen because it is not called a Venus. Consider, then, the harmony of the gold hair and the fair flesh and the blue of the sky: it is a harmony in gold and rose and blue.

At the moment I was too frantic with apprehension on Perry's behalf to consider aught other than a means to save him from the death that loomed so close. Realizing that I could outdistance the clumsy brute in the open, I dropped from my leafy sanctuary intent only on distracting the thing's attention from Perry long enough to enable the old man to gain the safety of a larger tree.

"Under present circumstances, we must no longer consider the engagement," said Jasmine, shocked at his introducing the subject at such a moment, "and the best thing that you can do is to forget all about it." The moment for the departure of the young men had come, and they had no time to say more.

When he returned to the house he sat down on the porch to consider a number of new ideas which were springing up in his mind, beginning to return to its old vigor. Mrs. McCartey came out to see how he had stood the fatigue and said: "Sure you look smarter than before you went! It interested you now, didn't it, to have a chance really to see the old place?" "Yes," said J.M., "it did, very much."

"Do you wish the painting which we are discussing to be paid for according to a valuation, or do you think that any one knows how to value it? for I consider that work to be worth a great price which has been done by the hand of a very capable man, even though in a short time; if it were done in a very long time who will know how to value it?

He'll do very well, as long as he's taken care of, that's all." "But, then, consider," said Miss Ophelia, "when you set him up for sale, the chances of his getting a bad master." "O, that's all humbug!" said Marie; "it isn't one time in a hundred that a good fellow gets a bad master; most masters are good, for all the talk that is made.

Yo may have a like aim what we'n had to go through. An' that wur when times were'n good; but then, everything o' that sort helps to poo folk deawn, yo known. We'n had very hard deed, maister aw consider we'n had as hard deed as anybody livin', takkin' o' together."

"I am not so sure of that, captain, I think I should prefer all sinking or swimming together." "At any rate, Madam," added the captain, "having unburdened my mind, I'll leave you to sleep over the matter. Tak time to consider, and let me know your wull in the morning." Not all the taking time to consider, "nor all the morns" that ever came reconciled Schillie to the captain's plan.