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"Something's going to happen," croaked the Missing Link, dismally, as the two left the car by the rear door. "I guess the freak is right," nodded Billy Conley. "There is going to be an explosion here that will shake the state." There was, but not exactly in the way he imagined.

Conley reported as to the number of sheets that the men had posted, whereat the manager rose, pounded his desk and, in a towering rage, expressed his opinion of the tribe of billposters again. Billy smiled sarcastically, in which he was joined by Teddy, but Phil's face was solemn. He was becoming rather tired of this constant abuse.

Every face wore a grin, and each man expected it would be his turn next. "Come on, let's go outside and talk," said Conley. "I should think you would want to get away from it all," answered Phil. "I don't know; whether I can stand this sort of thing or not." "You'll get used to it after awhile."

The mayor also said that Colonel Conley of the Sixty-ninth Regiment offered to turn out his regiment to police the pier, but it was thought that such service would be unnecessary.

"Lordy, but this will raise a rumpus," groaned the landlord. "We'll have detectives an' " "I guess they got what was comin' to 'em," said another of the men. "What's that? Why, they was ridin' peaceful as could be to Spanish Falls. What do you mean by sayin' that, Jim Conley? But wait a minute! How does it happen that they were up near your dad's house? That certainly ain't on the road to Span "

"The regular evening seance is about to begin," announced Billy, with a grimace, as he turned toward the office. "Bring the cub, Forrest, along!" shouted the manager. "Who?" called Conley. "Forrest and that fool friend of his." "He means Spotted Horse," suggested Rosie. "Run along, Spotted Horse. Got your war paint on?"

The Countess hastened away from one who, when roused, could be almost as clever as herself, and again stood in meditation near the joyful Harry. This time she did not signal so discreetly. Harry could not but see it, and the Conley girls accused him of cruelty to the beautiful dame, which novel idea stung Harry with delight, and he held out to indulge in it a little longer.

The Circus Boy went inside and gently awakened Billy Conley and Rosie, telling them to dress and report to the office at once. The men made no protest. They knew their young manager was planning some new ruse by which to outwit his rivals. When they heard his plan they opened their eyes in wonder. "Come on, now, and not a word nor a sound out of you, fellows!" commanded Phil.

The Countess hastened away from one who, when roused, could be almost as clever as herself, and again stood in meditation near the joyful Harry. This time she did not signal so discreetly. Harry could not but see it, and the Conley girls accused him of cruelty to the beautiful dame, which novel idea stung Harry with delight, and he held out to indulge in it a little longer.

They came tumbling from their upper berths like as many firemen upon a sudden alarm. All hands ran to the windows and peered out. "Sure enough, they are all here," shouted Conley. "I reckon they have caught us napping this time." "No; they are not awake yet. I hope they sleep as well as Bob Tripp's crew did," answered Phil. "But we have a big job before us today.