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But my information is new stuff. I am assigned to the Kennebunk and you four boys are to go with me." "Hurray!" shouted Torry, unable to suppress his delight. "That will sure please my papa," declared Ikey, with a broad smile and twinkling eyes. "It sure will." "But how about the Colodia, sir?" asked Whistler anxiously. "That's right!

"Wow! And he is right," cried Frenchy Donahue. "That's just what our Colodia is." "And these subchasers are still faster," Torry observed. "They tell me they can make thirty-five, and better, an hour." "Oi, oi!" cried Ikey Rosenmeyer at this juncture. "Speak of the Old Harry and hear his wings, yet! What's that off yonder?"

Phil said, when Ikey broke in with an inquiry: "Say! lemme ask you: Why do they call the Colodia and her sister ships 'torpedo boat destroyers'? We don't see many torpedo boats anyway. They are all old stuff." "That's right," Torry said. "What is the why-for? All naval craft are supposed to be destroyers anyway I mean service craft." Morgan was the oracle on this occasion. "Ikey is right.

This was the destroyer Colodia, one of the newest of her class, a fast ship of a thousand tons' burden. She made two cruises, both crammed full of excitement and adventure; and the story of these cruises is related in the first volume of the series, entitled "Navy Boys After the Submarines; Or, Protecting the Giant Convoy."

This event would be a very serious matter, for the naval authorities frown upon any tardiness of enlisted men in returning from shore leave. Besides, the boys particularly desired to be aboard the Colodia during her coming cruise. The second volume of the series opened with this situation. The boys made the acquaintance of an influential man, Mr.

Philip Morgan, Alfred Torrance, Michael Donahue, Ikey Rosenmeyer, and their mates on the destroyer Colodia had already aided in convoying a large number of troop ships across the Atlantic, had chased submarines and destroyed at least one of the enemy U-boats, and had hunted for and captured the German raider, Graf von Posen, which had among the other loot in her hold the treasure of the Borgias which had been purchased from an Italian nobleman by the four Navy boys' very good friend, Mr.

Be faithful to your first love, Morgan," laughed Ensign MacMasters. "I imagine they intend to send us all back to her in time. But whisper! the Colodia is across the pond. So I am told. There is something doing over there." "Crickey!" gasped Torry. "And we not in it!" "It may not come off before we get across in this new battleship " "Whew!" shrilled Frenchy, forgetting himself.

And Seven Knott had held the rank of boatswain's mate aboard the Colodia. Naturally the friends were all eager to get behind the big guns. Almost every boy who joins the Navy desires to become a gunner. Whistler and Al Torrance were particularly striving for that position, and they studied the text-books and took every opportunity offered them to gain knowledge in that branch of the service.

Their record, too, aboard the Colodia and with the prize crew on the captured German raider would be taken into consideration when permanent appointments were made upon the Kennebunk. Hans Hertig immediately took his rightful position as boatswain's mate. His rating was assured.

"Wait till Lieutenant Commander Lang, of the Colodia, hears about it. You have done well, Hertig. He will be proud of you." At that the petty officer smiled, for he was inordinately fond of the commander of the destroyer. Mr.