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Remark, too, another development of this same popular feeling of dislike against men in power. A play of this class, which, in the midst of all its absurdities and claptraps, had much of good in it, was called "Le Maudit des Mers."

You have been reading books of poetry till you don't know what it is you do want. You've got your head full of claptraps and tantrums till you haven't a grain of sense belonging to you. I hate such ways. It's a spurning of the gifts of Providence not to have such a man as Lawrence Twentyman when he comes in your way. Who are you, I wonder, that you shouldn't be contented with such as him?

Then Dorn disappeared around or under the big machine. "Lenore, I'll bet he tells us somethin' in a minute," said Anderson to her. "These new claptraps are beyond me. I'm no mechanic." "Dad, I don't like the looks of your harvest-hands," whispered Lenore. "Wal, this is a sample of the lot I hired. No society for you, my lass!" "I'm going to stay now," she replied.

If, in a country where so many quacks have had their day, Prince Louis Napoleon thought he might renew the imperial quackery, why should he not? It has recollections with it that must always be dear to a gallant nation; it has certain claptraps in its vocabulary that can never fail to inflame a vain, restless, grasping, disappointed one.

Tawdry stage tricks are played, and braggadocio claptraps uttered, on every occasion, however sacred or solemn: in the face of death, as by Barbes with his hideous Indian metaphor; in the teeth of reason, as by M. Victor Hugo with his twopenny-post poetry; and of justice, as by the King's absurd reply to this absurd demand!

But when your approval of these benevolent claptraps is brought to such a practical test as the marriage of your sister to a workman, you see clearly enough that they do not establish the suitability of personal intercourse between members of different classes. That being so, let us put our respective philosophies of society out of the question, and argue on the facts of this particular case.

Picture to yourself my arrival at Sark with the tender assurance in my mouth, 'Marian, I love you. She would reply, 'So you ought. Am I not your wife? The same advance from another Mr. Douglas, for instance would affect her quite differently, and much more pleasantly." "Mr. Conolly; is this indifference, or supreme confidence?" "Neither of these conjugal claptraps.

On their side were claptraps and historical commonplaces without number, the authority of a crowd of illustrious names, all the prejudices, all the traditions, of both the parties in the state. These writers laid it down as a fundamental principle of political science that a standing army and a free constitution could not exist together.

Thus, as Charles Mathews says, "every footman whistles Frieschutz;" and the barrel organ which does not play two or three of its airs may be consigned to the brokers. A few months since every bachelor hummed or whistled "C'est l'amour," and the French, to return the compliment, have made our "Robin Adair," one of the claptraps of the music of their La Dame Blanche. Next, when will Mr.

It's kind of comforting to have you there. You understand. I sha'n't cry any more. Tell me a story with apple-blossoms in it about people who are happy." Miserably his thoughts shuttled to and fro in search of what he knew she wanted a love story. Presently he began to weave a tale, sorry enough, with all the ancient claptraps and rusted platitudes.