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"'Tom an' Jerry for a bloo stack! I says to myse'f; an' with that I cinches the saddle onto James precip'tate. "Shore enough; I'm on the scene of the tragedy. Half way down a rocky slope where thar ain't grass enough to cover the brown nakedness of the ground lies the bones of Tom an' Jerry.

"With that pump a-goin' and the water a-flowin', hit don't resemble a place of rest to me," he said. Mrs. Gillis brought a loaf of bread out to the car. "There's enough for your supper and breakfast, and you folks come back here for dinner tomorrow." "En say, Jim, you bring the kid's little saddle back with yer," called Landy. "I want to lengthen the cinches to fit old Frosty.

Under the weight the stallion shrank catwise, aside and down. But there was no wrench of a curb in his mouth, no biting of the cinches. In the old days of his colthood, a barelegged boy used to come into the pasture and jump on his bare back. His mind flashed back to that the bare, brown legs. That was before he had learned that men ride with leather and steel.

"Shore it was Jean Isbel," replied Ellen, coolly. "He came up heah tracking his black horse." "Jean Isbel trackin' his black horse," repeated her father. "Yes. He's not overrated as a tracker, that's shore." Blank silence ensued. Ellen cast a slow glance over her father and the others, then she began to loosen the cinches of her saddle.

Take all His works, in their fitness an' goodness, an' you'll see He never 'lowed for a scrub an' a quitter anywhere. An' so when He gave me this tip on Ben Butler's speed I done the rest. "God gives us the tips of life, but He expects us to make them into the dead cinches.

"My roll was just five thousand strong, and I began to wish for about two thousand more, so that I could take the little wife over the wild waves and point out Paris and the Riviera to her. In Washington I met a quick talker named Ike Gibson and he played me for a good, steady listener. Ike showered me with cinches and in short order I was down with Bennings fever. And then "

She has no conversation at all, but her little dinners are the swellest things of the season. Never more than ten people at a time and everything cooked to a turn." "That's just it," said I. "I hear enough at the club to know just what cinches Mrs. Innitt's position. It's her cook, that's what does it. If she lost her cook she'd be Mrs. Outofit.

I now lead him gently about by the bridle. It occurs to me that a horse with this curious mania for binding cinches or cinching binders or, in other words, a cinch binder will be as willing to indulge in his favourite sport with the saddle unoccupied as otherwise. He may like it even better with no one up there; and I know I will.

The horse wrangler had his string waiting, the cook was scouring his iron pots, saddles were thrown over horses fresh from a long night’s good grazing, cinches were tightened, slickers and blankets were adjusted, and camp melted away in a troup of horsemen winding away through the gray of early morning.

But the longer she looked the more she saw. The very leanness of Alcatraz made it easier to trace his running-muscles; she estimated, too, the ample girth at the cinches where size means wind. "And that's Alcatraz?" she murmured. "That is all," said the pleasant Cordova. "May I go into the corral and look him over at close range? I never feel that I know a horse till I get my hands on it."