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"All I shall tell you is that I believe this murder to be either an exceedingly simple affair, or a very intricate affair. Wait a little wait, for instance, until Mr. Christopher Pett arrives with that will. Then we shall advance a considerable stage." "I'm sorry for Avice Harborough, anyway," remarked Bent, "and it's utterly beyond me to imagine why her father can't say where he was last night.

A Carmelite monk, Christopher Smith, commonly called Fabricius, had left a monastery in Bruges, adopted the principles of the Reformation, and taken to himself a wife. He had resided for a time in England; but, invited by his friends, he had afterwards undertaken the dangerous charge of gospel-teacher in the commercial metropolis of the Netherlands.

Howe come to see me, whose horse we caused to be set up, and took him with us. The tide against us, so I went ashore at Greenwich before, and did my business at the yard about putting things in order as to their proceeding to build the new yacht ordered to be built by Christopher Pett, Dr.

We were all wrong all of us except Uncle Tucker wrong from the very start. You musn't mind mother; you musn't mind anybody. Marry Jim and be happy, if he can make you so." "Oh, Christopher!" gasped Lila, with a long breath, lifting her lovely, pensive face. "Oh, Christopher!" "Don't wait; don't put it off; don't listen to any of us," he urged impatiently. "Good God!

Who were Secret Service men and who were not? thought Tom. Who was a spy and who was not? Perhaps some one had the same thought about him. What a dreadful thing to be suspected of! A spy! That puzzling phrase came into his mind again: Sure, I could tend to the other matter too it's the same idea as a periscope. What did that mean? So the Montauk was the Christopher Colon....

But it was not Renata that Christopher wanted. "Where is Patricia?" he questioned with more truth. "Upstairs in her room, I think. She seems rather worried and tired, Christopher. Do you want her?" There was a note of anxiety in Renata's gentle voice.

The Maria leads, with the sign of the Redemption painted on her mainsail and the standard of Castile flying at her mizzen; and there is cheering from ships and from shore, and a faint sound of bells from the town of Huelva. Thus, the sea being calm, and a fresh breeze blowing off the land, did Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos at sunrise on Friday the 3rd of August 1492.

She was capricious, as she sometimes is. "No, Robert, I am going home to bed. I have got a chill, too," she said. And the footman announcing the electric at that moment, we flew off and left them, Christopher having fastened my sable collar with an air of possession which would have irritated me beyond words at another time, but I felt cold and dead, and utterly numb.

Thenceforward no one tried to harm the babe, who, as all know, because of what befell him on this day, went in after life by the nickname of Christopher Oak-stump. The Abbot's men stepped forward to tie Cicely to her stake, but ere they laid hands on her she took off her wool-lined cloak and threw it to the yeoman who had struck down the fellow with his own stick, saying

As I have said more formally, Christopher wuz sot up in my mind to a almost tottlin' hite, on account of several things he did, and several things he didn't do. Yes; Christopher wuz sot up in my mind to a almost tottlin' hite, on account of several things he did, and several things he didn't do.