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Instead, she had to stand helplessly by and watch the lad walk directly to the desk, where he put a question to the clerk. Instantly Joseph Peabody whirled and had the boy by the collar. "Got you at last, you young imp!" he chortled gleefully. "This time I don't calculate to let go of you till I land you where you're going behind the bars. That is, unless you hand over what you've got of mine!"

Hope he isn't out looking for us in the storm." That thought was disquieting; but there was nothing we could do about it, and so we resigned ourselves to pass the night as best we could. The owls still hooted and chortled at times, but their noise did not greatly disturb us now. After a while I dropped off to sleep, and I guess Addison did, too.

When the boys heard their fathers raging at Bulldog's proud obstinacy they offered no remark, but when they got together they chortled with glee, and felt that there was comfort and compensation for many an honest thrashing, in the fact that Bulldog was as much ruler of Muirtown as he had been of the Seminary.

Elisabeth's equilibrium was somewhat disturbed by the abrupt cessation of her charger's advance but she kept a firm hold on her bridle and restored herself. "Go, go," she chortled, thumping the prostrate form of Mr. Clark with her slippered feet and smiling with excusable vanity at the new arrivals.

If you want to, beat me up some more." "Now, isn't that sweet of him?" chortled Stacy. "I fell off my pony, then I fell on you, and we'll call it quits, eh, Ned?" Ned put out a hand, which Stacy grasped with mock enthusiasm. "We sure will." "I'd like to know what this is all about?" questioned Walter. "Something's been going on." "I made his pony throw him over," admitted Ned.

Pale Face Harry's eyes had lost their gleam and dulled he gaped reproachfully at Doc Madison. Helena's small mouth drooped downward in a disappointed moue. Only the Flopper evidenced enthusiastic response. "Sure!" he chortled. "Sure t'ing! I see. De old geezer'll have a pile of shekels hid away, an' he lives by his lonesome a mile from de town.

From Bristol to Bath is no distance to speak of, so a slight dallying over the beer led to an exchange of recent news. Dale, it will be remembered, was of sporting bent, and he told Simmonds gleefully of his successful bet at Epsom. "Five golden quidlets his lordship shoved into me fist at Brighton," he chortled. "Have you met Smith, who is lookin' after the Frenchman's Du Vallon? No?

Billy watered the horses at a pretty hotel farther on, where the proprietor came out and talked and told him he had built it himself, according to the plans of the black-eyed man with the curly gray hair, who was a San Francisco architect. "Goin' up, goin' up," Billy chortled, as they drove on through the winding hills past another lake of intensest blue.

He'll turn no more girls' heads for a bit." "An' five minutes since you yapped at me like a vicious fox-terrier for 'intin' much the same thing," chortled Hobbs. Siddle stood up. "You ain't goin', Mr. Siddle?" went on the butcher. "It's 'ardly 'arf past nine." "I have some accounts to get out. It's near the half year, you know," and Siddle vanished unobtrusively.

I stand pat, just where I stood at first, and it'll take a lot uh cackling to make me back down. That old devil did lie about Dan, and he did take a shot at me " "He took yuh for a horse-thief, most likely," explained Jack Bates. "He didn't need no field glass to see you was a suspicious character, by golly," chortled Slim.