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Updated: November 11, 2024

What could be more interesting than the revolt of woman against "chivalry" in chivalry's old home and seat? That curious phenomenon was going on in Cally's town now, though acuter social critics than she had quite failed to discover it.... Far rumors of her sex's strange activities reached Cally, and she listened, but with apathy.

And lo! gathering up from the elder centuries, a sound like a trumpet-call, clear-piercing, far-borne, mystic, ineffable, the call to battle of hosts invisible, the mustering armies of the dead, the great of other wars Brunanburh and Senlac, Creçy, Flodden, Blenheim and Trafalgar. Their battle-cries await our answer the chivalry's at Agincourt, "Heaven for Harry, England and St.

They yield the flower of chivalry's cut down, And freedom waves her conquering banner high! Hold fast together, then forever fast! Let freedom's haunts be one in heart and mind! Set watches on your mountain-tops, that league May answer league, when comes the hour to strike. Be one be one be one

Oh, well they might imagine it Hard for chivalry's ranks to show A knight more gallant to face a foe, With a firmer lance or a heavier blow, Than Richard I. Plantagenet;

But to Stuart it meant the nearest approach we have to a survival of chivalry's ideals: a readiness to accept punishment without complaint: a willingness to extend every fair advantage to an adversary: a courage to strive to the uttermost without regard to the material value of the prize and paramount to all the rest, a scorn for any meanly gained advantage, however profitable.

Blount had no sooner arisen and retired than she turned to the Duchess of Rutland. "Our woman wit," she said, "dear Rutland, is sharper than that of those proud things in doublet and hose. Seest thou, out of these three knights, thine is the only true metal to stamp chivalry's imprint upon?" "Sir Richard Varney, surely the friend of my Lord of Leicester surely he has merit," replied the Duchess.

Let me live in proud chivalry's story, Or die with my lance in its rest! The plaudits followed him loud and free As he tossed the lute to Marcadee, Who caught it featly, bowing low, And said, "My liege, I may not know To improvise; but I'll give a song, The song of our camp, we've known it long. It suits not well this tinkle and thrum, But needs to be heard with a rattling drum. Ho, there!

The other old manuscript Mr. There are twelve verses of this song, with a chorus of two lines. The Muses and all the deities, not forgetting Bacchus, were duly invited to the festival. "Let the doors of Olympus be open for all To descend and make merry in Chivalry's hall." * Mr. Sanborn has kindly related to me several circumstances told him by Emerson about his early years.

"If I were a man, I would not, for mere chivalry's sake, let a woman treat me like a troublesome dog. You want a sound thrashing." "I'd like to see anybody thrash me," said Jane, rising again and displaying her formidable person erect. Then she burst into tears, and said, "I won't have such things said to me in my own house. How dare you?" "You deserve it for being jealous of me," said Agatha.

Peter saw that fallen shield, and whether for chivalry's sake, as thought the cheering multitude, or to free his left arm, he cast away his own, and grasping the sword with both hands rushed on the Spaniard. From that moment, helmless though he was, the issue lay in doubt no longer. Betty had spoken of Peter as a stubborn swordsman and a hard hitter, and both of these he now showed himself to be.

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