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But as for the tramping you heard in the room overhead, that is easily explained. It was no ghost that you heard walking, but Lady Chillington." Then, seeing my look of astonishment, she went on to explain. "You see, my dear Miss Janet, her ladyship is a very peculiar person, and does many things that to commonplace people like you and me may seem rather strange.

Pamela sat by me; she was very silent; she did not appear to be angry, but her handsome mouth wore a resolute expression. Chillington and Miss Liston wandered on into the shrubbery, and did not come into sight again for nearly half an hour. "I think it's cold," said Pamela, in her cool, quiet tones. "And it's also, Mr. Wynne, rather slow. I shall go to bed." Pamela looked at me for a moment.

'He watches like the Angel Gabriel, when all the world is asleep! she thought. With the resumption of motion she slept again, and knew no more till he touched her hand and said, 'Our journey is done we are in Chillington Wood. It was almost daylight.

The church was entirely rebuilt in 1839, and a chancel of better type added in 1897. Chillington, a small village 4 m. N.W. from Crewkerne. It has a Perp. church possessing an early font and some well-preserved early Communion plate. Chilthorne Domer, a village 3 m. N.W. of Yeovil, has a small church with some interesting features.

The next morning Sir Gilbert Chillington ate dirt there is no other way of expressing it in great quantities and with infinite humility. My admirable friend Miss Pamela was severe. I saw him walk six yards behind her for the length of the terrace: not a look nor a turn of her head gave him leave to join her.

Lady Chillington sipped her wine absently awhile; Sister Agnes was busy with some fine needlework; and I was striving to elaborate a giant and his attendant dwarf out of the glowing embers and cavernous recesses of the wood fire, while there was yet an underlying vein of thought at work in my mind which busied itself desultorily with trying to piece together all that I had ever heard or read of life in a French school.

Frederick James, the courteous curator, called my attention to a singularly fine wrought-iron vane, now preserved in the Museum, about which but little is known, but which may possibly have surmounted the place in the olden days when Chillington Manor was the seat of the great Cobham family. Maidstone Maidstone

But neither was it doubtful that he had by no means lost his relish for Pamela's lighter talk; in fact, he seemed to turn to her with some relief perhaps it is refreshing to escape from self-analysis, even when the process is conducted in the pleasantest possible manner and the hours which Miss Liston gave to work were devoted by Chillington to maintaining his cordial relations with the lady whose comfortable and not over-tragical disposal was taxing Miss Liston's skill.

But neither was it doubtful that he had by no means lost his relish for Pamela's lighter talk; in fact, he seemed to turn to her with some relief perhaps it is refreshing to escape from self-analysis, even when the process is conducted in the pleasantest possible manner and the hours which Miss Liston gave to work were devoted by Chillington to maintaining his cordial relations with the lady whose comfortable and not over-tragical disposal was taxing Miss Liston's skill.

She gave me one long, earnest look as she took her seat at the table, but after that she seemed scarcely to be aware of my presence. We had sat in grim silence for full five minutes, when Lady Chillington spoke. "Can you speak French, child?" she said, turning abruptly to me. "I can read it a little, but I cannot speak it," I replied.