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How an Italian lady manages her servants and brings up her children; her general attitude toward marriage, politics, books, social or economic questions in all these fields she is, in some mysterious way, much nearer to the Englishwoman than the Frenchwoman is.

It was now hinted to me, that the interest I was taking in the education of the native children, had already excited the fears of some of the chief factors and traders, as to the extent to which it might be carried.

We bought here some very pretty little toys for children, made of small coloured beads. We start to-morrow at six. Distance about 19 miles to Cosne.

Now, what's the first things we must get on shore after we are all landed a spar and topgallant sail for a tent, a coil or two of rope, a mattress or two for Madam and the children, two axes, hammer and nails, something to eat yes, and something to cut it with. There, that will do for the present," said old Ready, getting up.

These things ought not to be, nor do I think they would be so common, if they were noticed a little more in the education of children.

I found myself wrapped in one of our blankets, lying under the handcart. It was the market-square of a little town. And there were many old men and women and children, refugees like me. I rose and found a paper a leaf torn from a notebook fixed to the handcart. It was from the officer, bidding me farewell.

Another good way is to be very economical in your rhymes, only two to the four lines, and regretfully vague. Thus: SHADOWS. In the slumber of the winter, In the secret of the snow, What is the voice that is crying Out of the long ago? When the accents of the children Are silent on the stairs, When the poor forgets his troubles, And the rich forgets his cares.

But even so they could not put the Argives to rout, but they held their ground, as an honest woman that laboureth with her hands holds the balance, and raises the weight and the wool together, balancing them, that she may win scant wages for her children; so evenly was strained their war and battle, till the moment when Zeus gave the greater renown to Hector, son of Priam, who was the first to leap within the wall of the Achaians.

But Felix and Alice and Hilda lingered about Phebe till the last moment. Yet they said but little to one another; what could they say which would tell half the love or half the sorrow they felt? Phebe's heart was full. How gladly would she have gone out with these dear children, even if she left behind her her little birth-place on the hills, if it had not been for Mr. Clifford and Jean Merle!

This, if we are to take it literally, may pair off with the "two or three children" whom Montaigne mentions having lost at nurse; the one is as eccentric in a lover as the other in a parent. Nevertheless, he displayed more energy in the course of his troubled wooing than might have been expected.