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"Shall I give you some strange facts, the strangest perhaps you have ever met with?" Stepton smiled dryly. "You'll forgive me, but some such remark has been the prelude to so many figments." "Figments?" "Of the imagination." An expression of anger almost like a noble anger it seemed transformed Chichester's face.

Boyle, as the leading spirit in the government of Munster, as Lord Treasurer, and occasionally as Lord Justice, had ample opportunities, during his long career of forty years, to indulge at once his avarice and his bigotry; and no situation was ever more favourable than Chichester's for a proconsul, eager to enrich himself at the expense of a subjugated Province.

"No, thank you," said Jerry, "I'm not going to stay." "Aren't ye?" she asked disappointedly. "Is your aunt in?" "Yes, she's in. Is it HER ye've come to see?" "Yes," replied Jerry. At that moment Ethel joined them. "I came over to ask Mrs. Chichester's permission for you two young ladies to go to a dance to-night. It's just across from here at the assembly rooms." Peg beamed joyfully.

You said, 'Harm can never come from truth. I have been thinking about those words of yours, night and day, night and day. Tell me did you mean them?" The question came from Chichester's lips with such force that Malling was almost startled. "Certainly I meant them," he answered. "And if truth slays?"

Chichester's chin dropped a little as he read. For the first time in his life he looked undecided. Then he folded the note carefully, put it in the breast pocket of his coat, and turned to his companion. "You will be going up in to-morrow's boat, I suppose. Shall we go together?" "My dear fellow," said Arthur Asham, "really, you know I should be delighted.

There have been occasions, and even since my marriage, when I have yielded to impulses that have prompted me to act very wrongly. "Now, Chichester was a saint. Hitherto I had neither been troubled by my own grave shortcomings nor by Chichester's excellence of character.

"Because, well, between you and me, my dear fellow, I believe his regard for Barry's half-sister, the Lady Cleone, is largely accountable in Chichester's case; as for myself, because, as I think I mentioned, the hand of a Smivvle once given, sir, is never withdrawn, either on account of plague, poverty, pestilence, or Jews, dammem!

Chichester's eyes, Barnabas smiled, and, so smiling, kicked the key into a far corner. "Come, sir," said he, drawing another chair up to the table, "be seated!" saying which, Barnabas sat down, and, keeping one pistol levelled, laid the other within Mr. Chichester's reach. "They are both loaded, sir," he continued; "but pray assure yourself." But Mr.

"I rubbed it into Chichester's thick head that Escobar was overmuch at Rackham Park, and in the end it percolated." Much the same account of Escobar, with this instance of Rackham Park omitted, was given to Hillyard by Commodore Graham on the Friday morning. "He is the kind of man whom men loathe and women like. He runs about London, gets a foot in here and there.

George's first act, upon returning to the galleon, was to direct Dyer to take the ship to the spot for which they had been aiming when they were intercepted by the galley, and anchor her there; then he descended to the sick bay, to find that under Chichester's skilled hands his brother had not only been revived from his swoon, but also that his terrible wounds had been bathed, treated with a soothing and healing ointment, bound up, and the patient made as comfortable as was possible upon a swinging pallet which the surgeon had caused to be rigged up in order that Hubert might not be disturbed by the motion of the ship, and might lie face down for a few days until the smart had gone out of his wounds and they had begun to heal.