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So saying, Chichester led the way down the alley, and halted at a door in the wall, nearly at its farthest extremity. Then, drawing a key from his pocket, he unlocked the door, flung it open, and Stukely found himself looking in upon Gramfer Heard's shipyard, the scene of Dick Chichester's daily labours.

"Surely it is probable that such a man may be offered a living." "He would not take it." They walked on a few steps in silence, turned, and strolled back. It was now growing dark. Their faces were set toward the distant gleam of the Herne Bay lights. "I am not so sure," at length dropped out Malling. "Why are you not so sure?" "Why do you think Chichester's departure from St. Joseph's impossible?"

"Yes," said the Doctor, puffing slowly at his pipe, "plenty of time between daylight and breakfast good hour for a shy, old fish we give up our rights to you the pool is yours see what you can do with it may be your last chance to try your luck " for somehow a rumour in regard to Miss Asham's views on angling had leaked out, and Chichester's friends were inclined to make merry about it.

At Headcorn I shall at least be nearer you, my best of sisters, and it is my hope that you may be persuaded to steal away now and then, to spend an hour with two lonely bachelors, and cheer a brother's solitude. Ah, Cleone! Chichester's devotion to you is touching, such patient adoration must in time meet with its reward.

Then turning to Jerry she said in a much softer tone: "It was most kind of you to trouble to come over. You must pardon me if I seem ungracious but it is quite out of the question." Peg sprang up, eager to argue it out. Jerry looked at her as if imploring her not to anger her aunt any further. He shook Mrs. Chichester's hand and said: "I'm sorry. Good night."

That's as certain as that I wear whiskers and you don't. Shall we do an addition sum? Shall we add Chichester's discovery of secret lapses in his worshiped rector's life, to the nervous dyspepsia and the sittings? Shall we do that?" "And Lady Sophia?" "There's a sunflower type of woman. The rising sun can't escape her inevitable worship." "The change in Harding may be a natural one.

On the contrary, it struck him as abominably real, but so excessive as to be not natural in any thorough man in a normal condition of mind and of body. It was the sort of humility that creates in the unregenerate a desire to offer a good kicking as a corrective. Very different was the effect created by Chichester's sermon in the evening.

This it was that made his friendship for and deep attachment to Dick Chichester, and Chichester's equally deep attachment to him, so strange a thing; for the two had not a trait in common.

Chichester's iron self-control wavered for a moment, his brows twitched together, and he turned upon Barnabas with threatening gesture but, reading the purpose in the calm eye and smiling lip of Barnabas, he restrained himself; yet seeming aware of the glowing mark upon his cheek, he turned suddenly and, coming to the dingy casement, stood with his back to the room, staring down into the dingy street.

It was the master listening to the pupil, fearing for, criticizing, striving mentally to convey help to the pupil. And as the sermon went on it was obvious to Malling that the curate was not satisfied with it, and that his dissatisfaction was, as it were, breaking the rector down. At certain statements of Mr. Harding looks of contempt flashed over Chichester's face, transforming it.