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Could I decline to drink with these two chesty shipmates? Drinking together, glass in hand, put the seal on comradeship. It was the way of life. Our teetotaler owner-captain was laughed at, and sneered at, by all of us because of his teetotalism. I didn't in the least want a drink, but I did want to be a good fellow and a good comrade.

"I feel quite chesty," she declared, "at being smart enough to outwit Ptolemy, the wizard." "I have the feeling," I observed forebodingly, "that they may be on the train or underneath it." The next morning we reached Windy Creek, the station nearest our destination, and continued our journey by stage.

My jane looked the part to the life, I had the kale and the clothes and was chesty as a head-waiter, being considerably stuck on yours truly along about then, so we put it over. I had the chance to get hep to the last word in clothes and manners; that's what I'd gone for, though I didn't tell that to the skirt I was buying the eats for.

"Those bicycle cops," he said confidentially to Miss Forbes, "are too chesty." The car turned in between stone pillars, and under an arch of red and golden leaves, and swept up a long avenue to a house of innumerable roofs. It was the grandest house Mr.

"Swain's name is in the index," I said, and he glanced at it, and then turned to the place where the page had been. "Which reminds me," said Hinman, with a rueful smile, "that I concocted a very pretty theory to account for that missing page. I felt quite chesty about it! I'm glad it didn't throw Miss Vaughan off the scent!"

When is it to be?" "When it's quite ripe, and it aren't ripe yet." "Takes a long time, doesn't it?" said Carey. "And no mistake. So much the better. You've been expecting and expecting, and thinking about emptying that tub, and getting shovels full o' pearls out o' the bottom, and it's made you forget all about your sore chesty and give it time to get well. 'Tis quite well now, aren't it?"

Four or five of us leaped ashore, and with lines out and made fast in no time, we had her docked without so much as cracking a single shingle of the house across the head of the dock. We sold our mackerel for nineteen cents apiece. Fifty-seven hundred and odd dollars was our stock, and about a hundred and forty dollars each man's share. We felt a little bit chesty after that.

Everybody likes you, you're a swift money-maker, and you've got a girl now don't get chesty that would make any man go out and chew bulldogs." Johnny reflected over that statement and turned a trifle bitter. He had no million dollars; he had no friends; he had no girl! He contemplated calling the police. The telephone bell rang.

If the senate confirms the nominee of the praetorian guard, the Roman populace will do the rest by acclamation. Then, three months of upright government deification by the senate " Pertinax laughed explosively an honest, chesty laugh, unqualified by any subtleties, suggesting a trace of the peasantry from which he sprang. It made Cornificia wince. "Can you imagine me a god?" he asked.

"But sweeter even than Life's rich wine, As, hot from the kill ah-h! draught divine! It trickles adown my ravished throat, Is my gaunt mate's deep-toned, chesty note. As o'er hill and plain She calls amain Till the welkin quivers with ecstasy: Ai y-u-u yu yu-u-u-u! 'Oh come, Beloved, to Love and me! Ai yu-u-u-u-u-u! "Manlings spawned in the cities' slime. Weaklings, withered before your prime.