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Behind the guns and before the guns we passed many a place where reserves might have sheltered, but there were none. There came two officers, one British and one French, galloping toward us. They spoke excitedly with Colonel Kirby and our French staff officer, but we continued at a walk and Colonel Kirby lit a fresh cheroot.

"I don't smoke them myself," said Seton, "but I can offer you a cheroot." "Thanks. They are a trifle too strong. Hullo! here are some." From the back of a shelf he produced a small, plain brown packet, and took out of it a cigarette at which he stared oddly. Seton, smoking one of the inevitable cheroots, watched him, tapping his teeth with the rim of his eyeglass.

Let us have it at once," and the General lighted a cheroot. "Our bank has failed, and we shall have to give up everything to pay the debt, and . . . Jack, it was I advised you to buy the shares." The Doctor rose and went to the window. "For God's sake don't do that, Sandie. Why, man, you gave me the best advice you knew, and there 's an end of it.

Only it is never likely to be less than at the present moment. How dark it is, to be sure!" I knew well enough what he was thanking me for. I lit a cheroot. "Isaacs," I said, "you are a pretty cool hand, upon my word." "Why?" "Why, indeed!

The Prince had remained quietly in his seat throughout this little colloquy; but now, when the Colonel looked over to him, as much as to say, "Take your answer and come away, for God's sake!" he drew his cheroot from his mouth, and spoke "I have come here," said he, "upon the invitation of a friend of yours. He has doubtless informed you of my intention in thus intruding on your party.

But from five or ten yards away that might have been a new note in the gaining wind or even nothing. After a while King's cheroot went out, and be threw it away. A little later Rewa Gunga threw away his cigarette.

It was as well-devised a scheme as could possibly be planned; though its secresy, especially with a mother in the case, may be a moot point as to the abstract moral thereof: nevertheless, concretely, the only heart his so mysterious absence would have pained, was made aware of all: then, again, secresy had been the atmosphere of his daily life, the breath of his education; and he too sorely knew his mother would rejoice at the departure, and Julian, too all the more certainly, as both brothers were now rivals professed for the hand of Emily Warren: as to the general, he might, or he might not, smoke an extra cheroot in the excitement of his wonder; and if he cared about it anyways more tragically than tobacco might betray, Emily knew how to comfort him.

"I am content," answered Harry, finishing his cup of coffee, and flinging the stump of his cheroot into the fire. "Good-night! Timothy will call you in the morning." "Goodnight, old fellow." And the friends parted merrily, in prospect of a pleasant day's sport on the morrow.

"Let me know if you get into any trouble for being late," said I to Jean, giving him another five francs. He nodded and drove off, still chewing the stump of his cheroot. "Can I have a room?" I asked, turning to the waiter. "Certainly, sir," said he, catching up my bag in his hand. "I am just come," said I, "from Mont St. Michel." A curious expression spread over the waiter's face.

Cheroots, then; who is there amongst the masculine dwellers of the land of "musquitoes and myrtle," that affects not the gentle cheroot? soft in its fragrance as the sigh of love! cheering in its effects as the presence of woman in the hour of pain! seducing in its influence as the eye of beauty! And whence gains the cheroot its magical properties?