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But when the wren chatters about the coming of a baby girl, the birds chirp merrily. They sing of the grains she will scatter when she grinds the corn into meal. They sing of the wild rice she will let drop when she comes with her loaded canoe from the rice harvest. "Sing merrily, sing merrily," they say. "Another woman child has come to feed us!" The cricket hops in the wigwam.

What a ghastly look they have." "I don't care for their looks. I am right glad to see them they are a clew and no mistake. Keep dark to-night. Don't tell this to Ede he is a good fellow but chatters too much let me work it out. I'll find the late owner double quick," said Jem, with a somewhat brutal laugh. "Your orders about the prisoners, captain?" cried Ede, coming up. Robinson reflected.

She chatters, and you grin, but you leave with the very strong impression of a wasted morning. This has been my experience once or twice. I have even said as pointedly as I dared to a man: "I came to see you." "You'd better see me in my office, then. The house belongs to my women folk to my daughter, that is to say." He spoke the truth. The American of wealth is owned by his family.

She chatters in return at the Plaintiff, then she addresses the High Bailiff, who orders her to remain quiet, and, finally, turns round and speaks to the crowd.

And last is Carol Kennicott, who chatters so much I am afraid I shall shortly have to pop her into a pie." He gazed at her affectionately. "Well," he continued as he led the way back into his library, "I have now shown you my treasures. They, of course, seem a little crazy to you, and I hope your lives will end so fully that you won't have to fall back on them.

The robin, who comes to city gardens in the winter, has a summer home in the mountains or redwoods. There, too, the saucy jay screams and chatters, and flashes his blue wings as he flies, scolding all the time. In Southern California, among the orange groves or in gardens, the mocking-bird trills in sweet, liquid notes his wonderful song.

"He wears a white apron, and shaves and frizzes hair to this day, when at Agen; and though a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, member of Academies and Institutes without number, feted, praised, flattered beyond anything we can imagine in England, crowned by the king and the then heir to the throne with gilt and silver crowns, decked with flowers and oak-leaves, and all conceivable species of coronets, he does not ape the gentleman, but clips, curls, and chatters as simply as heretofore, and as professionally.

We might also call a cross person a "bear," but should not without some explanation call a person a "lark" or a "bee." We may say a person "chatters like a magpie," or we may call him or her a "magpie." A person who talks without thinking, merely repeating what other people have said, is often called a "parrot."

And a very distinguished politician too. Whenever our party comes in, he will be in the Cabinet. You must make him talk this evening." "I?" said Diana, laughing and blushing. "You can!" smiled Mr. Ferrier. "Witness how you have been making me chatter! But I think I read you right? You do not mind if one chatters? if one gives you information?" "Mind! How could I be anything but grateful?

The swamp pheasants are whooping and gurgling, and that semi-migratory fellow, the spangled drongo a flattering name, for he jangles but does not spangle sits on the slim branch of the Moreton Bay ash which held last year's nest and chatters discordances in the very ears of his responsive mate.