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In 1604 Henri IV created in his favour the office of keeper of the seals of France; and finally, on the death of the Chancelier de Bellièvre, he became his successor. Sully, Mém. vol. iii. pp. 189, 190. "Comme s'il fût revenu d'extase," says Péréfixe, vol. ii. p. 300. In April 1599. Bernard de Montfaucon. Les Monumens de la Monarchie Française, Paris, 1733, in folio, vol. v. p. 396.

The lights and music of the grand salon of Sagan died away, and he was standing again on the ridge below the Hôtel du Chancelier, looking out over the glimmering lamps of Révonde, dominated, as always, by the regnant red eye of the Guards' Dome, and he felt once more that strange new warmth and thrill in his veins which, at the time, he had believed to be born of an opening career beset with danger and difficulty.

The three physicians having made her a sign, "Messieurs," she added, addressing the Guises, "it is agreed between Monsieur de Bourbon, appointed lieutenant-general of the kingdom by the States-general, and me that the conduct of the affairs of the State is our business solely. Come, monsieur le chancelier."

'Ja, er ist ein Wunder, repeated Winifred, with odd seriousness, under which lay a wicked chuckle. 'Ist er auch ein Wunder? came the slightly insolent sneering of Mademoiselle. 'Doch! said Winifred briefly, indifferent. 'Doch ist er nicht ein Konig. Beesmarck, he was not a king, Winifred, as you have said. He was only-il n'etait que chancelier.

From her crowned ridges down to the swollen river rushing at her feet, she stood shivering in a robe of clinging mist; yet the day was warm with the raw deceptive closeness that chills to the bone and awakens the latent germs of death. From the Hôtel du Chancelier the winter view over the bright, beautiful city, glittering only yesterday in its winter bedizenment of frost and snow, was changed.

"Monseigneur," said Robertet, rushing hastily up the stairs, "the Chancelier de l'Hopital is at the gate and asks to enter; are we to let him in?" "Yes, open the gate," answered the cardinal. "Connetable and chancelier together would be dangerous; we must separate them. We have been boldly tricked by the queen-mother into choosing l'Hopital as chancellor."

For the Hôtel du Chancelier stands high upon one of the twin ridges which form the ravine of the river, and upon whose converging slopes Révonde is built. Rallywood stood and looked down upon the dip and rise of the terraced city with a new interest, for now it held a future for him individually, a future which must be stirring and might be something more.

Therefore the forenoon was yet young when von Elmur drove up to the Hôtel du Chancelier in reply to a summons. The German plot was not yet at an end. By judicious manipulation, Selpdorf had gleaned a dim knowledge of Counsellor's errand from the Duke, who was as wax in his supple hands.

The arrival of the Connetable de Montmorency and the Chancelier de l'Hopital were distinct indications of rebellion; the morning of the next day would therefore be decisive. On the morrow the queen-mother was the first to enter the king's chamber. She found no one there but Mary Stuart, pale and weary, who had passed the night in prayer beside the bed.

'Qu'est ce qu'un chancelier? said Winifred, with slightly contemptuous indifference. 'A chancelier is a chancellor, and a chancellor is, I believe, a sort of judge, said Gerald coming up and shaking hands with Gudrun. 'You'll have made a song of Bismarck soon, said he. Mademoiselle waited, and discreetly made her inclination, and her greeting.