United States or Central African Republic ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I was the party candidate as secretary of state, and at the head of the ticket, but nobody asked me who I was, nor did I tell them. I was left severely alone. Some time after, the chairman of the committee came to me and said: "Young fellow, we won't be hard on you, but the State committee has done this once before.

"Bolton," he said, bending toward that astonished scamp, and speaking as though this were an every-day affair, "you are chairman, I believe, of the Decoration Committee; where and when will you have them meet?" Imagine Nimble Dick's eyes! Nay, imagine the eyes and faces of the entire nine! It would have been a study for an artist.

They came from the immediate right of the chairman, who turned with surprise toward the speaker, Lord Milford, who until this moment had never opened his mouth. "I have to propose," continued the gentle voice, "that we call before us, without delay, Mr. Maurice Blum, of the firm of Blum & Co., Threadneedle Street." Sir Matthew gasped and turned deadly pale.

You will not expect me, in complying with the custom which requires your Chairman to address a few words to you before distributing the prizes, to give you instruction about Art or Science. One who was educated, as I was, under the old system, can hardly see without a pang the improvement that has been made in education since his time.

When everything was in readiness, the chairman of the committee presented the set of colors and said: "Captain Brownson, officers and men of the 'Yankee, I have the honor, on behalf of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York, to present these colors to the members of the Naval Reserve of the State of New York, who have enlisted for service under your command."

'Oh! oh! 'Now, I ask you to listen as quietly as you can to a lady who is not accustomed to speaking a in Trafalgar Square, or a as a matter of fact, at all. 'A dumb lady! 'Hooray! 'Three cheers for the dumb lady! The chairman was dreadfully flustered at the unfortunate turn his speech had taken. 'A lady who, as I've said, will tell you, if you'll behave yourselves 'Oh! oh!

Even Pat Maloney, Roman Catholic though he is, would not take anything for spading up the ground for "our church garden." I am a conservative man. But I do wish Miss Moore could be chairman of our board of trustees for a year or two. Our Temperance Prayer-Meeting. IT is late in the fall. The summer birds have fled southward. The summer residents have fled to their city homes.

I am certain that I voice the sense of this class meeting when I say that the thanks of the plebe class are due to the chairman. I have only to add my own personal, urgent appeal that the man chosen for the greatest honor we can bestow be truly a man who represents the best that there is in this class. And now, Mr. Chairman, I move that we proceed at once to nominations."

Well, well, well," he added admiringly, as he shook her hands violently, "if the Algonquin air hasn't commenced to do its work already! Now, my dear, brace up and don't be frightened. It is my duty as chairman of the school board to introduce you to your stern principal. Miss Murray, I have the honour of presenting you to Mrs. Doasyouwouldbedoneby, known in private life as Mrs.

Just at that moment, however, the door opened suddenly, and Reporter Len Spencer, a bright-faced young man of twenty-two, hurried in on tip-toe. Then, suddenly, he halted, looking unutterably astonished. "Oh, I beg your pardon, Mr. Chairman and gentlemen," murmured the reporter. "But I did not expect to find you in session." "And why not, Mr. Spencer?" demanded the chairman, crisply.