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Updated: January 14, 2025
Truly, said Panurge, thou shalt have of the fattest, and of those that are most plump and in the best case. How now! said Epistemon; everyone shall ride, and I must lead the ass? The devil take him that will do so. We will make use of the right of war, Qui potest capere, capiat. No, no, said Panurge, but tie thine ass to a crook, and ride as the world doth.
After a little more consideration in the same strain, Mr. Gibson went and sat down at the writing-table and wrote the following formula: Master Coxe Rx Verecundiae ounce i Fidelitatis Domesticae ounce i Reticentiae gr iij. M. Capiat hanc dosim ter die in aqua pura. R. GIBSON, Ch. Mr. Gibson smiled a little sadly as he re-read his words. 'Poor Jeanie, he said aloud.
He must, of course, have something to do there; if nothing else, at any rate to see "ne quid detrimenti capiat respublica"; that is to say, that the town, whose welfare, in one way or another, it is his business to look after, is not blown down.
"Indeed, sir," replied I, amused with his imposition, "I should like to accompany you for, as Josephus says most truly, `Capiat pilulae duae post prandium. Travel is, indeed, a most delightful occupation, and I would like to run over the whole world." "And I would like to follow you," interrupted Timothy.
For those wounds or other injuries which a man inflicts upon himself by choice, and of his own free will, pain him far less than those inflicted by another. Nevertheless, in the later days of the republic the Romans were wont to entrust this power to a consul instead of to a dictator, using the formula, Videat CONSUL ne quid respublica detrimenti capiat.
"Indeed, sir," replied I, amused with his imposition, "I should like to accompany you for, as Josephus says most truly, 'Capiat pillulæ duæ post prandium. Travel is, indeed, a most delightful occupation, and I would like to run over the whole world." "And I would like to follow you," interrupted Timothy.
This increase is almost exclusively facilitated by the substratum of slavery, and our administration devotedly takes care ne detrimentum capiat that peculiar institution. The last draft could be averted from the North if the four millions of loyal Africo-Americans were called to arms. But Mr.
"Ne quid detrimenti respublica capiat" was the formula according to which they surrendered their liberty for the sake of their liberty. A great danger, doubtless, for a people not leavened through and through with the spirit of freedom; but not so where the army is only the representative of a self-governing community.
In the other is a large mouth, grinning, opposite to which is a stuffed pocket, from which hangs the motto, 'ne quid detrimenti res privata capiat. Under the foot of the gentleman is the neck of a famine-struck woman, surrounded by naked and starving children, and it is by the convenient aid of her neck that he is enabled to reach the purse, or; and, indeed, such is his eagerness to catch it and the coronet, that he does not seem to care much whether he strangles her or not.
Senates and states have had mottoes written over the doors of their meeting-places. Over the senate house of Rome was written, Ne quid respublica detrimenti capiat. I shall wish this may be written over your assembly-houses; but there is another which I would have written with it, Ne quid ecclesia detrimenti capiat. Be careful of both; let neither kirk nor state suffer hurt; let them go together.
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