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"We shall meet again soon," exclaimed Ellen as she waved an adieu. "Who knows what adventures we shall have to recount to each other!" We could not tear ourselves from the spot while the canoe remained in sight. As soon as she disappeared we hurried after the Indians. Domingos and Maria had gone on with them.

"If it's all a fake of his, how came you to have heard of Braybridge paddling the canoe back for her?" "That was the fake that tested the fake. When he adopted it, I knew he was lying, because I was lying myself. And then the cheapness of the whole thing! I wonder that didn't strike you. It's the stuff that a thousand summer-girl stories have been spun out of.

I glanced over my shoulder, and saw that Ella was within a few yards of the canoe I had indicated, and that Bob was coming up at a rattling pace; so I suddenly dropped the rifle from my shoulder, and turned and ran for the beach as fast as my now rapidly failing strength would permit, reloading as I ran.

Such a thing he does see, and the next instant he declares, in excited tones, "No! Look at what they're doin'!" "What?" asks the Captain. "Sendin' up a signal smoke. Thet's thar trick, an' ne'er another." Sure enough, a smoke is seen rising over the canoe, quite different from that previously observed a white, curling cloud more like steam or what might proceed from straw set on fire.

A hunter was despatched in the hope of finding some game; but the hills were so steep, and so covered with undergrowth and fallen timber, that he could not proceed, and was forced to return. About twelve o'clock we were visited by five Indians in a canoe.

Now those wonderful dreams have come true!" There was a long council around the camp-fire that night, and it was settled that Ned and Dick were to take the light canoe with their own stores and start off by themselves on the hunting and exploring tour of which they had dreamed for years. Johnny was to go on an alligator hunt with Charley Tommy.

"Co-wee-Co-woe," called out one of the Indians in the bow of the canoe. The signal was heard, for immediately an answering shout came from the shore. When a few moments later the canoe grated softly on a pebbly beach. Isaac saw, indistinctly in the morning mist, the faint outlines of tepees and wigwams, and he knew he was once more in the encampment of the Wyandots.

If I found them too dangerous, I could carry my canoe overland and launch it again below them. Suddenly, however, a loud roar burst on my ears, and I found the canoe drawn rapidly forward. Bouncer looked up and barked, gazing towards the shore. I attempted to turn the canoe and paddle in that direction, but the current was too strong to enable me to succeed.

We continued on in this fashion the greater part of the day, not meeting with another canoe or any habitations. As evening approached, having reached an open spot, we agreed to encamp there that we might shoot some game, as our stock of provisions was reduced to a very low ebb.

While fording the river, I was carried off my feet by the current and nearly swept over the fall with a pack around my neck. Then George and I left the canoe on the bank for the night, and each with his pack proceeded to push his way through the thick willows and alders and over the rocks. It was so dark we could not see each other.