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As long as a girl is not known to be engaged, her betrothed must be prepared for rivals. Announce the engagement, and rivals are warned off." "I fear no rivals." "Do you not? Bold man! I suppose you will write to Lilian?" "Certainly." "Do so, and constantly. By-the-way, Mrs. Ashleigh, before she went, asked me to send her back Lady Haughton's letter of invitation. What for, to show to you?"

Quest threw himself back in his chair an old oak one, by-the-way, for he had a very pretty taste in old oak and a positive mania for collecting it and plunged into a brown study. Presently he leant forward, unlocked the top drawer of his writing table, and extracted from it a letter addressed to himself which he had received that very morning.

By-the-way, my name is Fifield Aleck Fifield. What did you say yours was?" "I don't think I said," answered the boy, slipping into a woollen shirt many sizes too large for him; "but it is Winn." "Winn, eh? Good name. Belong to the Massachusetts Winns?" "My parents came from there, but I was born in Wisconsin." "Yes, yes. Just so. But, there! I musn't hinder you.

"Good-night, Colonel Quaritch," she said; "I am so pleased that we are going to have you as a neighbour. By-the-way, I have a few people coming to play lawn tennis here to-morrow afternoon, will you come too?" "What," broke in the Squire, in a voice of irritation, "more lawn tennis parties, Ida? I think that you might have spared me for once with all this business on my hands, too."

As for the study with Josef, it will be good for her, but the idea of Katrine on the stage is an absurdity. I've a cousin in Paris the Countess de Nemours, a very great lady, though I say it as shouldn't," he said, with a laugh, "whom I am hoping to interest in the little girl. She's no longer young. By-the-way, perhaps you've met her! Her miniature hangs in the hail of Ravenel House."

"Oh, Du Boung, no doubt." He did not think so, but he could not bring himself to declare the success of his enemy to her. "The people there know him. Your old friend is as much a stranger there as I am. By-the-way, he and I had a little row in the place." "A row, Ferdinand!" "You needn't look like that, my pet. I haven't killed him.

"By-the-way," said Fowler, whose handsome face had hard lines which appeared from time to time from beneath his polished surface-urbanity, "I have not seen you for perhaps ten years, Mr. Carroll, but I heard from you in an out-of-the-way place that is, if anything is out of the way in these days. It was in a little Arab village in Egypt.

"Nothing drastic. A little endorsement of some things he's gunning for. It'll be all safe and sane. We backed those resubmission fellows out of the room." "By-the-way, keep a sharp eye out for those chaps, Luke," counselled the Duke. "I've been hearing around the hotel this evening that they're going to introduce a resubmission plank from the floor to-morrow."

"Let me congratulate you, my dear fellow," he said. "I never saw a case better done. It was a perfect pleasure to me, and I am very glad that the Judge thought fit to compliment you a most unusual thing, by-the-way. I can only say that I hope that I may have the pleasure of having you as my junior sometimes in the future.

The courtly old gentleman had inquired about madam indeed, the second glass had been dedicated to "mother and child" and he exhibited a friendly and almost paternal interest, as he always did, in Jack. "By-the-way," he said, after a silence, "is Henderson in town?" "I haven't heard. Why?" "There's been a good deal of uneasiness in the Street as to what he is doing.