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He never budged, but they were standing on the polished concrete and he had within a few minutes possessed himself again of his hat. "Do you want me to marry Kate Croy?" "Mrs. Lowder wants it I do no wrong, I think, in saying that; and she understands moreover that you know she does."

But a cold scent, on a cold day, does not go downward much. Rag never budged nor winked, and the hound passed. Again the dog came round. This time he crossed the low part of the log, and stopped to smell it. 'Yes, clearly it was rabbity, but it was a stale scent now; still he mounted the log. It was a trying moment for Rag, as the great hound came sniff-sniffing along the log.

The weight of old Sabor was immense, and when she braced her huge paws nothing less than Tantor, the elephant, himself, could have budged her. The lioness was now back in the path where she could see the author of the indignity which had been placed upon her.

Out on the cold platform I sat down and held his head a while, and he revived. Presently he said, "Do you reckon we started the Gen'rul any?" I said no; we hadn't budged him. "Well, then, that idea's up the flume. We got to think up something else.

God always reaches within, and fastens His hook there. He finds the solution of every problem within itself. When He would lead man back the Eden road to the old trysting place under the tree of life He sent a man. Jesus takes His place as a man and refuses to be budged from the human level with His brothers. That word human has come to have two meanings.

Jean-Christophe, who had not budged, stopped his ears so as not to hear Melchior's vicious voice and the tittering comments of the neighbors.... ... Suddenly a strange terror seized him; for no reason he began to tremble, with his face hidden in his hands. And on the instant a piercing cry made him raise his head. He rushed to the door....

Brushing past Eudoxia, who vainly tried to close the door, the Rev. Deetle coolly entered the house, followed by his sister, and took a seat in the parlour. "She'll blame me for this," wailed the girl, who had not budged and who stood there fingering the Rev. Deetle's card. "Blame you? For what?" demanded the clerical visitor in surprise.

Ah! but now it was the turn of the Grand Vizier and all the other conspirators to be amazed. The Janissaries who had been placed by the side of the popular leaders never budged from their seats, and not one of them drew his weapon at the given signal. Such inertia was so inexplicable to the initiated that Kaplan Giraj remained standing in front of Halil paralyzed with astonishment.

It was nearly ten o'clock up on the Plateau de l'Algerie, and still the men of Beaudoin's company were resting supine, among the cabbages, in the field whence they had not budged since early morning. The cross fire from the batteries on Hattoy and the peninsula of Iges was hotter than ever; it had just killed two more of their number, and there were no orders for them to advance.

Dat ain' gwine do me no hahm now, 'caze mah onlies' toof's done drapped out." "Then I'll get Miss Liz after you!" "Lawd, Marse Brent," the old fellow grew serious, "you knows she ain' turr'ble no moh! She's jest as meller as dem peaches, an' only las' week give me a dollar 'caze I hadn' cyarried de Cunnel but one julep dat day!" "Is the Colonel getting up?" "Naw, sah, he ain' budged.