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Updated: August 9, 2024

Croker's Boswell, p. 794. 'So notorious is Mr. Bryant's great fondness for studying and proving the truths of the creation according to Moses, that he told me himself, and with much quaint humour, a pleasantry of one of his friends in giving a character of him: "Bryant," said he, "is a very good scholar, and knows all things whatever up to Noah, but not a single thing in the world beyond the Deluge." Mme.

In her quiet way she took al the good that offered and seemed not to recognise the ill. Mr. Carleton had bought for her a copy of The Rape of the Lock, and Bryant's poems. With these, sitting or lying among her cushions, Fleda amused herself a great deal; and it was an especial pleasure when he would sit down by her and read and talk about them.

"We carry within us," says Sir Thomas Browne, "the wonders we find without." The same idea is daintily expressed in these tripping verses of Bryant's: "Yet these sweet sounds of the early season And these fair sights of its early days, Are only sweet when we fondly listen, And only fair when we fondly gaze.

This habit of always doing his best is surely one of the fine lessons of his life. It has given his prose a perfection which will carry it far down the shores of time. The letter sent during the last summer of his life to be read at the celebration of Bryant's birthday was a model of simplicity in the expression of feeling.

Before the fugitives reached Bryant's Station, they met Logan advancing with his detachment. The exaggerated accounts he received of the slaughter, induced him to return to the above-mentioned place. On the next morning all who had escaped from the battle were assembled, when Logan found himself at the head of four hundred and fifty men.

"No, I don't, uncle, and I ask her pardon if I was rude; but I heard you say Miss Mary was an angel, and though I like Miss Florence very much indeed, I can't help thinking so too." Dr. Bryant's cheek flushed, and he glanced quickly at Mary. Mr. and Mrs.

While I watch this man I am constantly repeating to myself that stanza of Bryant's: "Upon the market place he stood, A man of giant frame, Amid the gathering multitude That shrank to hear his name; All proud of step and firm of limb, His dark eye on the ground And silently they gazed on him, As on a lion bound."

Guess a mistake is liable to snuff your light out when you're up against 'strays." A sudden enthusiasm lit Bill Bryant's interested eyes. "That sounds better than ranching," he said quickly. "You see, I've lived a soft sort of life, and it kind of seems good to get upsides with things.

"Sir, Present circumstances of affairs cause me to write to Your Excellency, as follows: On the sixteenth instant, a large body of Indians, with some white men, attacked one of our frontier stations, known as Bryant's Station. The siege continued from about sunrise until two o'clock of the next day, when they marched off.

'Ah, he said, 'to translate a poem properly it must be done into the metre of the original, and Bryant's "Homer," fine as it is, has this great fault, that it does not give the music of the poem itself. He came in and took a cigar before walking home over the bridge alone.... "Emerson asked Longfellow at dinner about his last visit to England, of Ruskin and other celebrities.

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