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"All I know is that I don't think any less of Sandy because he backed down. I saw that stranger's face myself an' I'm still sort of weak inside." "How did he look?" "I dunno. Jest jest hungry. Understand?" She was silent for a time, but she was evidently thinking hard. At last she turned to the same man. "Did you hear Brown-eyes say that the broad-shouldered feller next to him was his friend?"

It was an impressive sight. Much too much so to dwell on! Passing it over, let us look in on that happy home when toned down to a condition of reasonable felicity. "It's a dream all a wild, unbelievable dream!" sighed the old gentleman, as, with flushed face and dishevelled hair, he spread himself out in an easy chair, with Queen Pina on his knee and Brown-eyes at his feet.

Suddenly he put Brown-eyes down on the sand, and, twisting his figure into a comical position, began to hop like a frog. His device had the desired effect; Brown-eyes burst into a hearty fit of laughter, forgot for the moment the "funny beasts," and cried, "Do it agin!" The poor man did it again, thinking intensely all the time what he should do next.

"Lower away!" said Pina, as if she had been a trained sea-captain all her life. Instantly the ropes were eased off, and in a few seconds the boat was in the sea and on the shore. They found little Brown-eyes sound asleep in her crib, with a river of red-hot lava stretching its fiery tongues towards her as if eager for a meal!

"Neither one, little brown-eyes, I'm going out in the orchard to pick a few peaches. Grandma wants to make a peach shortcake for supper. So I have to get the peaches." "Oh, may we come?" asked Sue, dropping the doll with which she had been playing. "I'll help you pick the peaches," offered Bunny, and he put down some sticks, a hammer and nails.

"What is the girl's name?" asked Donald. "Una." "Yes, and what did her brother call her?" "Brown-Eyes." Neal felt as if the words were dragged from him. "Are you the lover of this Una Brown-Eyes?" Neal flushed. "You have no right to ask any such question," he said, "and I shall not answer it. I will just say this to you.

"You shall have all the four wings of my birds to trim your hats with, Brown-Eyes," said Maurice, as he clambered dripping into the boat. "Neal will stuff his bird for you and perch him on a stone. You shall have him to set on the top of your new bureau, the one Aunt Estelle sent you when she escaped from Paris without having her head chopped off."

"Talk right out, Brown-eyes," said Jacqueline, wiping the tears of delight from her eyes. "Talk right out as if you was a man. I won't hurt you." "I jest wanted to ask," said Dan, "if these are real men?" The ready laughter started, checked, and died suddenly away. The cattlemen looked at each other in puzzled surprise. "Don't they look like it to you, honey?" asked Jacqueline curiously.

While they were thus engaged Dr Marsh entered the hut, where, for the sake of secrecy, the crown had been prepared, but Dr Marsh was a privileged man, besides he was there professionally; little Brown-eyes was sick not seriously, but sufficiently so to warrant medical intervention. "Well, what have we here, ladies?" said the doctor blandly, "part of the throne, eh?"

But the next time you come you mustn't have any business; at least, nothing more important than entertaining me and that is important. Just jot that down in your little vest-pocket memorandum, and don't allow yourself to forget it for a single moment; not even while you are making love to Little Brown-Eyes. Good-night."