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The head had been caught in an attitude of leaning against a wall, so that the salience of the jaw, the flare of the nostrils, and the white of the eye were accentuated sharply. And in the eye I fancied also that I detected a crazed look. "Good gracious!" said Bill. "What a bad-looking man!" I was silent, merely returning the print so that my friend might study the weaknesses of a brother-artist.

But then he remembered overhearing Carstairs tell a brother-artist that he had paid two thousand francs for it, and, though he did not know how much a franc might be, two thousand of anything was too much to wear around at a masquerade ball. But the thing haunted him. He was sure if Miss Casey saw him in that suit she would never look at Charlie Macklin again.

But though I think he cannot recover, I do not wish that his last illness should be so reported by me. You will believe that I can sincerely feel the loss of a brother-artist from whose works I have often gained instruction, and who has gone by my side in the race these eighteen years. Hoppner died on the 23d January 1810, in the fifty-first year of his age.

A very pleasing story is told, by Pliny, of Apelles and his brother-artist, Protogenes, which DR. ANTHON relates as follows: "Apelles, having come to Rhodes, where Protogenes was then residing, paid a visit to the artist, but, not finding him at home, obtained permission from a domestic in waiting to enter his studio.

My sister embraces Madame Franchomme. After a stay of less than six weeks Chopin removed from the Rue Chaillot to the apartments in No. 12, Place Vendome, which M. Albrecht and Dr. O'Meara had succeeded in finding for him. About this time Moscheles came to Paris. Of course he did not fail to inquire after his brother-artist and call at his house.

Laura admired all Clive's sketches, which his affectionate brother-artist showed to her with the exception of one representing the reader's humble servant; which, Mrs. Pendennis considered, by no means did justice to the original.

At length, while the chief magician of the elector Palatine was still busily employed in shewing some of the most admired specimens of his art, the Bohemian, indignant at what appeared to him the bungling exhibitions of his brother-artist, came forward, and reproached him with the unskilfulness of his performances. The two professors presently fell into warm debate.

Just, then the door-bell rang sharply; she supposed it was some brother-artist coming to spend an hour, and turned to go. "Wait a minute; I want to " He paused, for at that instant she heard a voice which, even amid the din of Shinar, would have been unmistakable to her, and breaking from him, she sprang to the threshold and met her cousin. "Oh, Russell! I thought you had forgotten me."

Rikli came back into the room just as Fred was carrying the beetle out, and, as they met in the door-way, Fred said: "I'll make up a poem about you. You are the musician with the sweet tones of your voice, and I am a brother-artist, a poet"

One morning in the early part of 1837 Liszt called on his friend and brother-artist, and found him in high spirits on account of some compositions he had lately finished. As Chopin was anxious to play them to his friends, it was arranged to have in the evening a little party at his rooms.