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My own brain, unaccustomed to be impressed by another mind "otherwise than through the recognised channels of sense," had supplied the likeliest authority for its message. The message was duly delivered, but the telegram was a delusion. As to protecting Natalie Brande from her brother and the fanatics with whom he associated, it was now plain that I was powerless.

The few attractions of the place, the diving boys and the like, may be a relief in ordinary sea voyages, but I was too much absorbed in my experiment on Brande to bear with patience any delay which served to postpone the crisis of my scheme.

You know the paltry science of organic life. I have had no time for such trivial study. Get me well within three days, or " "I am attending." "By the hold over my sister's imagination which I have gained, I will kill her on the fourth morning from now." "You will not." "I tell you I will," Brande shrieked, starting up in his berth. "I could do it now." "You could not."

Thus, Brande asserts that "A republic may be either a democracy or an aristocracy!" and proceeds to say: "In the former, the supreme power is vested in the whole body of the people, or in representatives elected by the people; in the latter, it is vested in a nobility, or a privileged class of comparatively a small number of persons."

It is not really so. It is not cruel to reconcile her to a fate she cannot escape. It is merciful. For the rest, what does it matter? It will be all the same in Grey This day six months. Brande I believe I shivered. Heredity has much to answer for. That is the whole of the entry. I did not read the words until the hand that wrote them was dust.

So long as my inquiries were kept within the limits of the strictest discretion, neither Brande nor any of his executive could blame me for seeking convincing evidence of the secret power they claimed. On my arrival in London, I drove immediately to the London Necropolis Company's station and caught the funeral train which runs to Brookwood cemetery.

As he was firm, and as I had no time to haggle, I agreed to give him the money. Our bargain was only completed when Brande returned to the deck. It was strange that on an island like that on which we were landing there should be a regular army of natives waiting to assist us with our baggage, and the saddled horses which were in readiness were out of place in a primeval wilderness.

Brande also considers the elements of water as probably concerned in the change. The number of varieties are eight, and are as follow: Rutu of good quality. Avae of indifferent quality. Irimotu a rich cane, but does not grow to a large size. Patu a good cane, of a red colour. To-ura a dark-striped cane, hard and good. Toute a bad cane, of a red colour. Veu a good cane.

"This is my friend, Edith Metford. Metford, this is Arthur Marcel." "How do you do, Marcel? I am glad to meet you; I have heard 'favourable mention' of you from the Brandes," the second figure in knickerbockers said pleasantly. "How do you do, sir madam I mean Miss " I blundered, and then in despair I asked Miss Brande, "Is this a tableau vivant? What is the meaning of these disguises?"

The hand of Death laid clammy fingers on us. Edith Metford's strength failed at last. It had been sorely tested. She sank into my arms. "Courage, true heart, our time has come," I whispered. "We start for the steamer at once. The horses are ready." My arrangements had been already made. My plan had been as carefully matured as any ever made by Brande himself. "How many horses?" "Three.