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Meantime, Alice, with new life in her heart, was putting on her best dress and hat as Groener had bidden her, and presently she joined her cousin in the salon where he sat smoking a cheap cigar and finishing his talk with Mother Bonneton. "Ah," he said, "are you ready?" And looking at her more closely, he added: "Poor child, you've been crying. Wait!" and he motioned Mother Bonneton to leave them.

I got his address from Papa Bonneton. I thought I'd look the man over in his home when he was not expecting me. And before I started I put in two days studying wood carving, watching the work and questioning the workmen until I knew more about it than an expert.

"Remember," flung out the other in a final defiance that was also a final appeal, "remember that nothing brought me here but the sacredness of a love that is gone, a sacredness that I respect and he respects but that you trample on." As she said this Valentine emerged from the tower door followed wearily by Papa Bonneton, in full regalia, his mild face expressing all that it could of severity.

And that's where you can help me." Bonneton shook his head. "We know very little about her, and, the queer thing is, she seems to know very little about herself." "Perhaps she knows more than she wants to tell." "Perhaps, but I don't think so. I believe she is perfectly honest. Anyhow, her cousin is a stupid fellow.

With a mingling of alarm and satisfaction Mother Bonneton obeyed the summons, and a moment later, as she unlatched the door, a fat man with a bristling red mustache and keen eyes pushed forward into the room where the lovers were waiting. Two burly policemen followed him. "Ah!" exclaimed Gibelin with a gesture of relief as his eye fell on Kittredge.

"In a room near here." "Where does he eat?" "He takes two meals with us." "Ah! Do you think he would like to make a hundred francs by doing nothing? Of course he would. And you would like to make five hundred?" "Five hundred francs?" exclaimed Bonneton, with a frightened look. "Don't be afraid," laughed the other. "I'm not planning to steal the treasure. When do you expect this wood carver again?"

Then, while the other listened anxiously, he told of his brilliant appointment in Rio Janeiro and of his imminent departure. He was sailing for Brazil in three days. "Mon Dieu!" murmured Bonneton in dismay. "Sailing for Brazil! So our friends leave us. Of course I'm glad for you; it's a great chance, but will you take Caesar?" "I couldn't leave my dog, could I?" smiled Coquenil. "Of course not!

And it would have straightway been the love scene all over again, for Alice had never seemed so adorable, but for the sudden and ominous entrance of Mother Bonneton. She eyed the visitor with frank unfriendliness and, without mincing her words, proceeded to tell him certain things, notably that his attentions to Alice must cease and that his visits here would henceforth be unwelcome.

Is her cousin's little finger really very long?" "It's pretty long," said Bonneton. "I used to think it had been stretched in some machine. You know he's a wood carver." "I know. Well, that's neither here nor there. The point is, this girl had a dream that why, what's the matter?" "Don't talk to me about her dreams!" exclaimed the sacristan. "She used to have us scared to death with 'em.

"I was going to tell you to-night, but Bonneton will be with us, so come, we'll stroll through the bois as far as Passy, and I'll give you the main points. Then you can take a cab." Papa Tignol was enormously pleased at this mark of confidence, but he merely gave one of his jerky little nods and walked along solemnly beside his brilliant associate.