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She was not pleasant to look upon, but Bo-Peep had learned to be polite to the aged, so she answered, sweetly, "Good morning, mother. Can I do anything for you?" "No, dearie," returned the woman, in a cracked voice, "but I will sit by your side and rest for a time."

'I didn't have no trouble a-trackin' 'em, though I had been dreadin' a reg'lar bo-peep dance, seein' how late 'twas gettin'. But they jest sa-auntered along, quite slow, only I noticed they was always careful not to git into no strong lights; they kept on the shady side of things,'specially the tallest one with the big cow-boy hat.

It is a ride of ninety miles through kalmies, rhododendrons, azalias, vines and roses; sheltered from every blast that blows by vast masses of various coloured rocks, on which "Tall pines and cedars wave their dark green crests." While in every direction you have a background of blue mountain tops, that play at bo-peep with you in the clouds.

And in this same parlour at Arbitt Lodge had that little Marmaduke learned to walk, and then to run, to gaze with admiring eyes on the treasures in the glass cupboards, to play bo-peep behind the thick silken curtains, even in his time faded to a withered-leaf green, to poke his tiny nose into the bowl of pot-pourri on the centre table, which made him sneeze just exactly as ah! but I am forgetting never mind, I may as well finish the sentence just exactly as it made "us" sneeze now!

They sat down with their heads very close together, and such a number of letters you never saw as Miss Muffet and the spider wrote. Some of them were very informal, like those beginning "Dear Little Bo-Peep" and "Dear Red Riding-Hood." They said, "Won't you come to a party at my house? We're going to have games." Others were very formal like that addressed to

That he, who had been told by the servants continually that all the land for miles and miles around was his, should be shut out like a beggar, and compelled to play bo-peep, by people who lived in a hole in the ground, was a little more than in the whole entire course of his life he could ever have imagined.

You may throw in, by way of episode, that he has been playing bo-peep with a rebellious young lady from the Colonies, and, like a great boy, has had his head broken for his pains! Come, my worthy host, or rather fellow-prisoner, I follow you, as in duty bound." "Stay," cried Griffith; "Captain Borroughcliffe does not embark in that boat." "Ha! sir; am I to be herded with the common men?

And if you know all about them, you also know they will come home of their own accord, and I have no doubt they will all be wagging their tails behind them, as usual." "Oh," said Little Bo-Peep, in surprise, "do they wag their tails? I never noticed that!" "Indeed!" exclaimed the old woman, "then you are not very observing for one who knows all about sheep.

Aurelia had let her voice die away, and had begun to think over her strange situation, when she was startled by a laugh behind her, and looking round, hardly repressed a start or scream, at the sight of Fay enjoying a game at bo-peep, with yes it actually was the negro over the low-sashed door.

"When I peeped in at the window you had a letter in your hand. Who has been writing to you?" "Only Maggie." "And that is the letter you spoke about?" "Yes, dear James I mean Bo-peep yes. The child is very grateful." "She ought to be. I'd like to see the letter. Where is it?" "I will go upstairs and fetch it," said Mrs. Martin, who knew well that it was safe in her pocket all the time.