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What made you change from the nice business your father left you?" "Well, I did," he said, and looked at Thomasin, who blushed a little. "Then you'll not be wanting me any more to-night, ma'am?" Mrs. Yeobright glanced around at the dark sky, at the hills, at the perishing bonfires, and at the lighted window of the inn they had neared. "I think not," she said, "since Thomasin wishes to walk.

But I waved him back and went at once to Dora. "Forgive me, pardon me," I incoherently said, as her sweet eyes rose in startled pleasure to mine. "I would have brought you flowers, but I meant to sail with you, Dora, I tried to but wretches, villains, prevented it and and " "Oh, it does not matter," she said, and then blushed, probably because the words sounded unkind, "I mean "

I pray thy pardon." She looked on him more sweetly still, and said: "O nay; thou wouldst not hurt me, thou!" Then she blushed very red, and he in like wise; but afterwards she turned pale, and laid a hand on her breast, and Walter cried out hastily: "O me! I have hurt thee again. Wherein have I done amiss?"

This nettled Crepitude, K.C. It nettled him, too, merely to see a witness standing in the box just as if she were standing in her kitchen talking to a tradesman at the door. He was not accustomed to such a spectacle. And though Alice was his own witness he was angry with her because he was angry with her husband. He blushed.

Finally Rowena said: "Ma, what is the matter with you? Are you dreaming about something?" The old lady came to herself and blushed; then she explained with the first random thing that came into her mind: "I saw Mr. Angelo take up Mr. Luigi's coffee, and I thought maybe he sha'n't I give you a cup, Mr. Angelo?"

To his persuasive argument that they enter the royal service with promise of quick promotion, they turned a deaf ear although they were wonderfully taken with him. He was a gentle, soft-spoken young man with a boyish smile who blushed when pressed to talk of his own exploits against the Spanish, the Dutch, and the French in Britannia's wooden walls.

And then she had come home, and her mother had helped her make her clothes for her wedding day. And once he had come to Elmbrook and had taken her to a circus at Lakeview, and they had seen this piece of silk in a store window. He had said it was just the color of her eyes Miss Arabella blushed and hung her head at this confession and he had gone right in and bought it, in spite of her.

And I've never been able to settle to my satisfaction which kind of mood was the real Mary Stevens." "She IS queer, isn't she?" said Stanley thoughtfully. "But I've told her she'd be free to go on with the career. Fact is, I want her to do it." Mrs. Brindley's eyes twinkled. "You think it would justify you to your set in marrying her, if she made a great hit?" Stanley blushed ingenuously.

Angela, who, from this time, might be called Agricola's betrothed, justified in every point the flattering portrait which the smith had drawn of her in his interview with poor Mother Bunch. The charming girl, seventeen years of age at most, dressed with as much simplicity as neatness, was seated by the side of her mother. When Agricola entered, she blushed slightly at seeing him.

Let me believe that the time may come' when you will listen to me, no matter how distant. You are young, you have a tender heart, you would not doom one who only lives for you to wretchedness, so long that we have known each other. It cannot be that any other has come between us " Myrtle blushed so deeply that there was no need of his finishing his question.