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"'Oh, yes, Ham, I said. 'You always speak well of Martha, and what she knows. "'Deed I do, Marfa; dat's so; I does, all de time. "'Dat's all right den, Ham. I forgib you all what you do, so you jes' git out in de kitchen; dar's whar you blong. Dese folks spile you ef dey don't mind deyselves.

Sweet is the music of the spheres, Majestic is Mong Blong, And bland the beverage that cheers, Called Sirupy Souchong; But sweeter, more inspiring far Than tea or peak or tuneful star I deem it to belong To such a place as Beeyah-byyah-bunniga-nelliga-jong.

If the reader will go around to the door of the shed on the other side of the house, he will see little Grover just coming out and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. On the door of the barn can be seen the following legend, scratched on its surface with a nail: "I druther be born lucky than blong to a nold Ristocratic fambly. Here we have an excellent view of Mr.

"W'en Brer Rabbit got out, he gallop off en tole de fokes w'at de well blong ter dat Brer Fox wuz down in dar muddyin' up de drinkin' water, en den he gallop back ter de well, en holler down ter Brer Fox: "'Ye come a man wid a great big gun W'en he haul you up, you jump en run." "What then, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy, as the old man paused.

Even Bess tried it with less doubt. Inez ate as though she had fasted for a week and never expected to eat again. "Will you have coffee, dearies?" asked Mother Beasley. "Three cents apiece extry," said Inez, hoarsely. "Yes, please," Nan said. "And if there is pie, we will have pie." "Oh, you pie!" croaked Inez, aghast at such recklessness. "I reckon you do 'blong up to Washington Park."

"The jailer felt of my muscles one day, when he had marched me out at the point of his musket to fill de watering troughs for de horses. He wanted to know who I blong ter, and offered to buy me. When nobody claimed me, they was forced to let me go long wid de other Britishers and as our ship had been destroyed, we had to git back home best we could. Dey didn't dare hold us no longer."

Then above the grumble of the thunder came a sharper note, a sound to be expressed in the word "blong!" "Lord," said the headman, "that is no thunder, rather is it the fire-thrower of M'ilitani." So Ogibo in his wrath turned back to crush the insolent white men who had dared attack the garrison he had left behind to hold Igili.

"Huh!" he growled, when he saw her, "p'raps you'll believe what I tell you before your hair turns gray, if not sooner. Luck! Did any man ever have such luck as the skipper? Why, if he fell off Mong Blong he'd find a circus net rigged up to catch him." "I agree with you so fully, Mr. Boyle," she whispered, "that I am going to marry him." "I guessed as much," he answered.