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You are wonderfully clever, and amusing, and accomplished, and intelligent, and the Soho ateliers were not the best nurseries for a moral training; and you were married early in life to a regular blackleg, and you have had to live upon your wits ever since, which is not an improving sort of maintenance; and there is much to be said for and against; but still you are not one of us, and there is an end to our sympathies and censures.

In my pasture were also wolves and blackleg; and the loss in calves by these, difficult to detect, is invariably greater than suspected. Only one case of cattle-thieving occurred at my own ranch and I lost nothing by it. Two men stopped in for supper one day; they were strangers, but of course received every attention.

'On the contrary, sir, I have occasion to feel pretty often in every twenty-four hours what an ignominious part a man plays in life who has to affect to be taught what he knows already to be asking the road where he has travelled every step of the way and to feel that a threadbare coat and broken boots take more from the value of his opinions than if he were a knave or a blackleg.

"Well," said Dade, "I was walkin' round the stable a while ago, just nosin' around without any purpose, an' walkin' slow. When I got to the corner, not makin' any noise, I saw Calumet standin' in front of the stable door, talkin'. There was nobody around him nothin' but Blackleg, an' so I reckon he was talkin' to Blackleg. Sure enough he was.

The most plausible ground is that of those who, bringing marriage down to the level of prostitution, maintain that the prostitute is a "blackleg" who is accepting less than the "market rate of wages," i.e., marriage, for the sexual services she renders. But even this low ground is quite unsafe.

"No!" said Denzil in a disappointed tone, and fearing he was going to be robbed. "Not when Mortlake was already jealous of Mr. Constant, who was a sort of rival organiser, unpaid! A kind of blackleg doing the work cheaper nay, for nothing." "Did Mortlake tell you he was jealous?" said Wimp, a shade of sarcastic contempt piercing through his tones. "Oh, yes!

"And it's for the son of this man that I am made a beggar!" Blanche said, quivering with anger, as she walked upstairs leaning on the Major's arm "for this cheat for this blackleg for this liar for this robber of women." "Calm yourself, my dear Miss Blanche," the old gentleman said; "I pray calm yourself. You have been hardly treated, most unjustly.

The two men's faces were not more than a few inches apart, and Sir Lothian's bold eyes had to sink before the imperious scorn which gleamed coldly in those of my uncle. "We will settle our accounts, never fear, though I degrade myself in meeting such a blackleg. What is it, Craven?" "We shall have to declare a draw, Tregellis." "My man has the fight in hand." "I cannot help it.

He was one of the hundred thousand chevaliers who hail the advent of war as something which will hide their nothingness. "I knew it," said Auburn Risque, at length, pinching the ball between his hard palms as if it were the creature of his will. "My system is good; yours do not validate themselves. You are novices at gambling; I am an old blackleg."

A twinge of conscience never prevented him from adopting any means of emptying the pockets of his victims, even without the formality of dice or cards. In the summer season he beguiled his time on the river, or migrated with the fashionables to Pascagoula, or a more northern watering-place, in fine, to any sphere which afforded him a theatre for the exercise of his talents as a blackleg.