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Why, I can make this just like home; you'll see." While he was doing the man's part! In her mind, then, it was all simplified and reduced to that. His, naturally, was to be the task of furnishing food, for nothing was clearer than that they must eat and that filling the larder was Jim's affair and not Betty's.

By the post the journey took twelve hours, otherwise we should have been three days on the road. As soon as we reached Rome I went to the customhouse and put in the document relating to Betty's trunk. The next day it was duly brought to our inn and handed over to Betty.

"I was glad not to miss," she replied gravely. "Mrs. Webb uses Dilworth's speller," said Mrs. Leverett, "and so I gave her Betty's. But she has a different reader. She thought Doris read uncommon well." "And what came next?" "They said tables all together. Why do they call them tables?" "Because a system of calculation would be too long a name," he answered dryly. Doris looked perplexed.

And he went on, and, warming to his subject, grew eloquent on the events of the winter, his emotions, his surmises as to Betty's emotions, his slow awakening to the knowledge that now, for the first time and so on and so forth. "You don't know how I tried to fall in love with you again," he said, and kissed her hand. "You're prettier than she is, and cleverer and a thousand times more adorable.

"We are in charge and we can't desert now." That Betty's suggestion was the most sensible one which could have been made they were all willing to admit when they had thought of it for a little while. "Of course it is possible for us to go out in this storm, and tramp on to Broxton," said Betty. "But would it be wise?"

Fairchild kept only two servants, Betty and John: Betty's business was to clean the house, cook the dinner, and milk the cow; and John waited at table, worked in the garden, fed the pig, and took care of the meadow in which the cow grazed. Mr. and Mrs.

But the very day after Mistress Betty's arrival old madam secretly dispatched Tim, the message-boy, to desire the squire to order out the old coach, and make a point of joining the family party either at dinner or at supper.

I will drive back to the village at once. The vicar's distress is as great as mine. You think of everything. The service for the sick and dying. How right how right!" With a sense of an increase of value in herself, the vicar, and the vicarage, she hastened back to the pony carriage, but in the hall she seized Betty's hand emotionally.

An' I'll play 't too, or the de'il s' be in't. 'Eh, man, that 'll be gran'! cried Shargar, incapable of jealousy. To this anticipation Robert returned no reply, for, hearing Betty come in, he judged it time to restore the violin to its case, and Betty's candle to the kitchen, lest she should invade the upper regions in search of it.

With Nell's bright chatter and Betty's wit, the conversation became indeed vivacious, running from gossip to gowns, and then to that old and ever new theme, love. Shortly afterward the colonel entered the gate, with swinging step and genial smile. "Well, now, if here aren't four handsome lasses," he said with an admiring glance.