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"If you do, I'll " He doubled up his fists and glared at Bert. "Then don't you come any nearer if you don't want to get wet," said Bert. "This hose might sprinkle you by accident, the same as it did when Freddie had it," he added. "Huh! I know what kind of an accident that was!" spoke Danny, with a sneer. "You'd better get out of the way," went on Bert quietly.

She told her husband that they got along because he was "so wonderful"; she felt that no financial tangle could resist Bert's neatly pencilled little calculations, but Bert praised only her what credit to him that he did not complain, when he was the most fortunate man in the world? They came to be proud of their achievement.

"I haven't been so tired since the Army game." "Just what we dubs needed," affirmed Bert. "Did you notice the snap and pepper in the team? It's the first time for a week that we've known we were alive. We're going to be a real football team after all. 'The cat came back, and why shouldn't we?" "I suppose it was due to that lot of 'old grads' looking on," surmised Tom.

Once, just before they went into the dining car to breakfast, the Bobbsey twins saw in a clearing a big wagon loaded with logs and drawn by eight horses. "Oh, look!" cried Bert, pointing to it. "Will you have teams like that, Mother?" "Well, I suppose so," she answered. "I don't really know what is on my lumber tract, as yet." "We'll soon see," said Mr. Bobbsey, looking at his watch.

Bert wished, very much indeed, that he could have taken some of his boy friends down to the houseboat, but his father had a good reason for not wanting any boys aboard, unless he could be with them. Workmen were making certain changes in the craft, and doing some painting inside and outside. A few days after this, when the Bobbsey twins reached home from school, Mrs.

"Why, yes," she admitted. "I have contemplated it; in fact, I am contemplating it. That's one of the reasons I want to start earning my living. When I marry I want to marry as a matter of choice not because it's the only way out." "Now you're talking," said Bert. "And most of us girls who marry as a matter of choice don't marry. Perhaps I'm too cynical.

Bobbsey and I are on our way there now to look after matters, and we had to take the children with us." "And I suppose they were very sorry about that," said Mrs. Powendon with a smile, as she looked at Nan and Bert. "Oh, no!" exclaimed Bert "Indeed we weren't sorry! We're going to have fine times!" Then Mrs. Powendon sat down and began talking to Mr. and Mrs.

The mass of superheated air, generated by the varnishes and other material in the extension, was forcing the flame out from the window in the shape of a great fan. The ladder was beginning to blaze. Bert paused and looked down to the ground. The distance was not too great for him to jump, had he been alone, but, with the child, it might mean that both would be seriously injured.

A few people were running to and fro, but for the most part the aspect of the district was desertion. The streets seemed to broaden out, they became clearer, and the little dots that were people larger as the Vaterland came down again. Presently she was swaying along above the lower end of Broadway. The dots below, Bert saw, were not running now, but standing and looking up.

Now, Dodge, from having tried to visit Furlong the night before, knew that the young man had returned from the hop, for he had seen Furlong go into his tent shortly after ten. Dodge also knew that Furlong had been absent from camp at the time of the monument discharges. "Furlong is one of the offenders," thought Bert, "and Prescott is roasting him about it.