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Out of bed, her feet hastily into slippers and fumbling into her kimono so that the flow of her hair went down inside it, Lilly approached Mrs. Neugass, her gesture toward her and entreating. "Mrs. Neugass, you're horribly wrong in what you suspect. You must listen to me " "You can exblain nothing to me except to get your clothes packed. How it goes to show you never can tell beoble from looks.

Say we make it three dollars, and on rainy mornings coffee and rolls so you doan' get your feet wet." "But I " "We're blain beoble, miss, but we got a respegtable standing in the neighborhood for fifteen years. My husband's daughter by his first marriage is sixteen years bookkeeper down by Aaron Schmoll Paper Box Company in Green Street.

Neugass bent to his tired angle, nightshirt striking him midships as it were, the two dim white women creeping after. "What has happened?" "It's nodding, Miss Parlow. It's a shame for decent beoble they should have to listen. Wash your ears out of it, Alma, and go back to bed."

An' you kaaping' us in food an' drink an' clothes, bedad all the time." "Vat Ah do, Cabtin. Ah leaf you starfe, no?" "Oh. Some men would have put into the Falklands and landed " "Und spoil a goot bassage, eh? Ach nein. More better to go on. You know dese men Ah get in 'Frisco is no goot. Dem "hoodlums," they dond't know de sailorman vork. But your beoble is all recht, eh! Gott!

"No," he said, "nopody eber crosses de ocean, bud emigrants, and beoble vat hab more muney dan prains." Travel is a study of religious institutions. Among the most interesting in Europe, that we visited, are Wesley's Chapel, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, and Notre Dame.

"Ze Emberor himself would not have speak to me so! I come here as a favor her ladyshib do not offer me one pfenning, ach! ze music is not for such beoble! I shall brefer to blay to bigs! Zere is no art in zis country! And he began to make his way out of the room, when he was overtaken by Beau Lovelace, who had followed him in haste. "Where are you off to, Hermann?" he asked good-naturedly.

But she did, sitting up in bed and hugging her knees with bare shining arms. With nervousness patent in every move, Mrs. Neugass sat forward, pleating and unpleating a little section of her apron. "I guess you know it, Miss Lilly, that with all the honors we got by our daughter, we're still blain, respegtable beoble." "Of course "

Thus talking, we approached the village of his fears. 'If I was by myself I should be much afraid, he fawned; 'but not with you. These wicked beoble do not dare to hurt an English gentleman, who wears the hat and is brotected by the Bowers of Eurobe. We had not really got into the place before some boys at play among the rocks outside the houses, spying my hat, threw stones in our direction.

"Laties and shentlemen," said he, "we haf come here dis efening as drue philossophers not for our own selfish bleasure enti-er-lee, but" Mr. Margent looked uneasy, and fidgeted in his chair "in order to hellp in de solution of one of de great questions of de day de Indian question. I haf met some off dese obbressed and downdrodden beoble.

Elijah he come strollin' down, quite habby, to this ancient riffer, singin' one little song; and the beoble they lug down those wicked brophets. Then Elijah take one big, long knife his uncle gif him and sharben it ubon a stone like what I'm doin'. Then he gif a chuckle and he look among those brophets; and he see one man he like the look of, nice and fat; and he say: "Bring me that man!"