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To this cell young Barnwell made his way, armed with the surgeon's request, which he at once made known to him. The old man looked him all over in the most scrutinizing manner, for his great hallucination was that he was beset with spies who were bound to bring him before the secret tribunal.

This, of course, produced food for comment and controversy for a long time, during which Barnwell, now able to speak the Russian language, was able to converse and to learn much.

Or now, I learn with bitter tears how poor Jane Shore, dressed all in white, and with her brown hair hanging down, went starving through the streets; or how George Barnwell killed the worthiest uncle that ever man had, and was afterwards so sorry for it that he ought to have been let off.

For in truth it is necessary to keep Lillo's honest views constantly in mind, to prevent us from finding George Barnwell as laughable as it is certainly trivial. Whoever possesses so little, or rather, no knowledge of men and of the world, ought not to set up for a public lecturer on morals.

His mind was hardly yet ready to feel the strange charm of this most imaginative of Calderon's dramas. Even where Herr Stahr undertakes to give us light on the sources of Lessing, it is something of the dimmest. He attributes "Miss Sara Sampson" to the influence of the "Merchant of London," as Mr. Evans translates it literally from the German, meaning our old friend, "George Barnwell."

"Well," replied the landlord, shrugging his shoulders, "you can afford to do as you please, but you are sure to have no company when you go hunting in that direction." "And I want none at least, not the company of persons who believe in such nonsense." "Ah, the surgeon has come." "Hurry him here, for my wounds pain me exceedingly," said Barnwell.

In Barnwell and Anderson districts, South Carolina, official records show the murder of over a dozen Union men in the months of August and September; and at Atlanta, a man told me, with a quiet chuckle, that in Carroll County, Georgia, there were "four d n Yankees shot in the month of October."

"Why," answered Boone, energetically, "Heaven knows my heart yearns to rescue all my fellow creaters who're in distress; but more particularly, prehaps, them as I know's desarving; and as I set out for Master Reynolds, and his sweet companion, Ella Barnwell, God bless her! I somehow reckon it's my duty to follow them though I leave the rest o' ye to choose for yourselves.

I will issue instructions to General Foster, based on the reenforcements of North Carolina; but if Schofield comes, you had better relieve Foster, who cannot take the field, and needs an operation on his leg. If Lee lets us get that position, he is gone up. I will have less cattle on the hoof, but I hear of hogs, cows, and calves, in Barnwell and the Colombia districts.

How old that face was, of what nationality, of what grade of intellect, he could not tell, for his face was in the shade of that dark place. Again came the mocking laugh, as young Barnwell stood looking and wondering. "Who are you?" he finally asked.