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Painting for a whole morning gives one as excellent an appetite for one's dinner as old Abraham Tucker acquired for his by riding over Banstead Downs.

"I wanted to write all about Jewell to his mother or his sweetheart or some one; I wanted to wallow in his praises, to say all the things I really find now that I thought about him, but I haven't even had that satisfaction. He was a Poor Law child; he was raised in one of those awful places between Sutton and Banstead in Surrey. I've told you of all the sweethearting he had.

When Viviette had informed him of the youth's presence in the garden, he had exclaimed impatiently: "It ought to be somebody's business to go round the world occasionally with a broom and sweep away spiders like that." Viviette, mindful of the invective, received Lord Banstead with a smile of amusement. As she had two protectors against a fifth proposal of marriage, she stood her ground.

The method of treatment varies from a barrack system, in which the children are herded in huge asylums like those places between Sutton and Banstead, to what is perhaps preferable, the system of boarding-out little groups of children with suitable poor people.

They were hard at work there far into the night, and the towering pillar of dense green smoke that rose therefrom could be seen from the hills about Merrow, and even, it is said, from Banstead and Epsom Downs.

The golf-player smites these things with force, covering himself with ridicule and spores, and so disseminating this far-sighted and ingenious fungus far and wide about the links. The amateur nature-lover passes off the down, and towards Banstead village.

"Excuse me," interrupted Banstead, crossing the room. "Does this mean that you chuck me, Miss Hastings?" "You must release me from my promise, Lord Banstead," she said gently. "I scarcely knew what I was doing. I'm very sorry. I've not behaved well to you." "You've treated me damned badly," said Banstead, turning on his heel. "Good-bye, everybody."

Altogether, it may be remarked, in this walk the amateur nature-lover saw eleven old boots, most of them dropped in the very sweetest bits of hedge tangle and grassy corner about Banstead. It is natural to ask, "Whence come all these old boots?"

"She can do what she likes, but, by God! she shan't marry you." "I'm of age," declared Viviette fiercely. "I marry whom I choose." "Of course she can," said Banstead. "Are you taking leave of your senses?" "How dare you ask a pure girl to marry you?" cried Dick furiously. "You, who have come straight here from " Banstead found some spirit. "Shut up, Ware," he interrupted. "Play the game.

He being gone, I to bed. 25th. Up and to my office setting papers in order for these two or three days, in which I have been hindered a little, and then having intended this day to go to Banstead Downs to see a famous race, I sent Will to get himself ready to go with me, and I also by and by home and put on my riding suit, and being ready came to the office to Sir J. Minnes and Sir W. Batten, and did a little of course at the office this morning, and so by boat to White Hall, where I hear that the race is put off, because the Lords do sit in Parliament to-day.