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He assured her a dozen times over, "he was her dog and her slave, and vowed he would hunt her so many Injun scalps, and steal her such a 'tarnal chance of Shawnee hosses, thar shorld'nt be a gal in all Kentucky should come up to her for stock and glory:" and, finally, not content with making a thousand other promises of an equally extravagant character, and swearing, that, "if she axed it, he would go down on his knees and say his prayers to her," he offered, as soon as he had carried her safely across the river, to "take the backtrack, and lick, single-handed, all the Injun abbregynes that might be following."

"To-morrow I'll sell the grub and backtrack to the coast to guard it." The storm died away and the cold, bright moon shone searchingly. The man lay down in the boat to rest, pulling his furs and tarpaulin over him. Sleep did not immediately come at his bidding. He saw and heard affrighting things.

Soon his hand found an indentation in the snow crust, and he started to creep forward again. But slowly the conviction grew upon him that he was crawling in a small circle, the very circle he had just made. Some way, he had missed the snowshoe trail. He did not remember how on his journey out he had once been obliged to backtrack a hundred yards and start on at a new angle.

Shall I backtrack, FHQ? Come in, FHQ." "Rugged place to stall," commented captain Eltwiss sympathetically, "but we can pull him out in halfashake soons we get things under control." The loudspeaker, after a great deal of gibberish, condescended to clarity again. "... about five hundred meters. Supposed to join SMT5 at this point. Can't raise him by radio.

The thing air past hopin', an' past prayin' for. Ef this chile know anythin' o' the signs o' love, he has goed a good ways along its trail. Yis, sir-ee; too fur to think o' takin' the backtrack." "On that trail, indeed?" "Thet same; whar Cyubit sots his little feet, 'ithout neer a moccasin on 'em.

"You haven't any right to take away our papers just on the say-so of a lousy Solar Guard officer who thinks he's king of the universe!" "Take your filthy hat off my desk, Loring!" barked Strong. "And watch your language!" Loring realized he had made a mistake and tried to backtrack. "Well, I apologize for that. But I don't apologize for saying he thinks he's "

A bit of dinner, and a few hours' rest under the great cedar, would recruit their strength; and enable them to take the field again before sunset with a better prospect of success. Following their backtrack through the forest, therefore, they proceeded towards the place where they had left their horses.

It would be no joke walking so far in the great heat that there was besides, by going directly back we should have to pass once more through the palm-wood, and this we had determined to avoid by going round it on our return. No; we could not think of taking the backtrack just then.

"Keep the dogs within hearing!" "It can't last long!" But this time we come to a sudden halt on a rocky slide. We've lost the scent. The dogs circle and backtrack and work with feverish haste. The sun has risen, and up the mountain side comes a band of goats led by a single shepherd dog no man in sight.

We are not to take the backtrack ha! ha! ha!" "Of course not; but you will find, to avoid doing this, we shall have to go by a definite course, and can take no other." "By my word! brother, I don't see what you mean. I shall trust all to you: so take me where you please which way, then?" "Ah! that has yet to be determined.