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To them this white warrior, who consorted with the great apes and the fierce baboons, who growled and snarled and snapped like a beast, was not human. He was a demon of the forest a fearsome god of evil whom they had offended, and who had come out of his lair deep in the jungle to punish them.

Have you never heard that on some of our Indian lines, baboons, vultures, and other heavy creatures have sometimes almost broken down the telegraphs by taking exercise and roosting on the wires?" "Indeed, I hope it won't be so with us. At all events, sharks won't be much tempted, I should fancy, by submarine cables." "There's no saying, Robin. They are not particular when hungry.

We knew that, once in the open ground, we could run faster than they; for although the baboons run well through thickets and woods where they occasionally help themselves forward by grasping the boughs of the trees and although upon open ground they progress faster than many other kinds of monkeys, yet a man can outrun them.

The baboons thought the corn ripe enough, and would soon have made a crop of it, but at this moment their operations were interrupted. Totty knew but little of the danger she underwent, when she ran forth with nothing but that long broom-handle to drive off a troop of chacmas.

All he could do for the present was to urge them to haste, and at his suggestion the king baboon with a dozen of his mightiest bulls agreed to go to the hill country with Korak, leaving the balance of the herd behind. Once enlisted in the adventure the baboons became quite enthusiastic about it. The delegation set off immediately.

Hornets, hyenas, and baboons are not so great a curse to a country as men of a similar character." Tried by his ideal standards, his neighbors and his countrymen generally were, of course, found wanting, yet he went about among them helpful and sympathetic and enjoyed his life to the last gasp.

The idea of its being barbarous to confine wild animals had probably never even occurred to his father for instance; he belonged to the old school, who considered it at once humanizing and educational to confine baboons and panthers, holding the view, no doubt, that in course of time they might induce these creatures not so unreasonably to die of misery and heart-sickness against the bars of their cages, and put the society to the expense of getting others!

I must say I was very glad thus to be rid of them; for although I had often seen baboons in captivity, when I thought them disgusting-looking creatures, in their wild state as they had just exhibited themselves they looked ferocious and terrible in the extreme. David told us they often go hunting in packs like wolves, and on those occasions do not hesitate to attack the largest wild animals.

Those placed at the near end of the line immediately took them up, pitched them to the next, and these to the next, and so on, until, in a very short while from the time a head was plucked from the stalk, it was delivered to the storehouse of the baboons far off among the cliffs! Had this work gone on much longer the field-cornet would have had but a poor gathering in harvest-time.

A man, to be the companion of Captain Berselius, needs to be big and strong in body and mind, or he would be crushed by the hand of Captain Berselius. Yes, he is a terrible man in a way un homme affreux a man of the tiger type and he is going to the country of the big baboons, where there is the freedom of action that the soul of such a man desires "