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'Jane ventured to augur that you would, but I thought it too much to hope for. 'There was no alternative, said Sir Jasper. 'I infer that you halted at Avoncester. 'I did so; I saw the poor boy. 'What a comfort for his sister! 'Poor fellow!

"How warm and sunshiny it has been all day," said Rachel, by way of opposition to some distant echo of this whisper. "Sunshiny, but treacherous," answered Colonel Keith; "there are cold gusts round corners. This must be a very sheltered nook of the coast." "Quite a different zone from Avoncester," said the youth. "Yes, delightful.

The persons admitted took them equally by surprise, being Conrade Temple and Mr. Keith. "I thought," said Rachel, as she gave her unwilling hand to the latter, "that you would have been at Avoncester to-day." "I always get out of the way of horse-dealing. I know no greater bore," he answered. "Mamma sent me down," Conrade was explaining; "Mr.

"What did he think of Lord Keith?" said Alick, in the more haste because he feared something being said to remind Rachel that this was the assize week at Avoncester. "He has settled the matter about advice," said Bessie, seriously; "you cannot think what a relief it is. I mean, as soon as I get home, to write and ask Mr.

Stebbing's house, and then consulted her whether to let all come out at the examination before the magistrates, or to induce the Stebbings to drop the prosecution. 'It would serve them right if it all came out in public, she said. 'But would it be well? 'One must not be vindictive! And to drag poor Kalliope to Avoncester would be a dreadful business in her mother's state.

Mary's, at Avoncester, thought she did an immense benefit to the place by buying the bit of land known as Burnaby's Bargain, and making the rents go yearly to apprentice two poor girls born of honest parents. The rent is fourteen pounds, and so the fees are so small that only the small lace-makers here will accept them.

"Why, that intolerable swindler and ruffian, Hart, deceived me about Racket, and " "A horse at Avoncester?" said Bernard, light beginning to dawn on him. "I made sure it was the only way out of it all, and they said Racket was as sure as death, and now the brute has come in third. Hart swears there was foul play, but what's that to me? I'm done for unless you will help me over."

White better than I do, and means if possible to make him go to Avoncester himself when the case comes on, so that he should at least see and hear for himself. -Your affectionate aunt, J. M. What a letter for poor Gillian!

I suppose he does feel; the Colonel says he is exceedingly cut up, and he looks like a man of eighty, infinitely worse than last time I saw him, but I don't know what to make of him." "And, Alick, did you hear the verdict?" "What verdict?" "That man at Avoncester. Mrs. Menteith said there had been a telegram." Alick looked startled. "This has put everything out of my head!" he said.

Mother has been quite different ever since she met him one day in Avoncester, and I fear- oh, I fear he will advance her this money, and make her give me up to him; and my dear father made her promise that I would never be on the boards."

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