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It was at this period that he chose to set up in his habitation in the Rue Cassini a sort of altar, on which he placed a small statue of the Emperor, with these words engraved upon the pedestal: "Ce qu'il avait commencé par l'épée, Je l'achèverai par la plume!"

Secondly, we find that the associations left in the minds of the people by the expeditions of the Crusaders and the pilgrimages to the Holy Sepulchre, rendered the Deposition and the Entombment particularly popular and impressive as subjects of art, even down to a late period. "Ce que la vaillante épée des ayeux avait glorieusement defendu, le ciscaux des enfans aimait

She laughed her acknowledgment, and lying there, face to the sky, began to sing to herself, under her breath, fragments of that ancient war-song: "Le bon Roi Dagobert Avait un grand sabre de fer; Le grand Saint Éloi Lui dit: 'O mon Roi Vôtre Majesté Pourrait se blesser! 'C'est vrai, lui dit le Roi, 'Qu'on me donne un sabre de bois!"

De façon générale, pourtant, ce monde avait un certain courage personnel. Le cinquième comte de Berkeley avait dit un jour, devant témoins, qu'il n'y a point de honte

Rochester "un vrai menteur," and assuring him that she made no account whatever of his "contes de fee," and that "du reste, il n'y avait pas de fees, et quand meme il y en avait:" she was sure they would never appear to him, nor ever give him rings, or offer to live with him in the moon. The hour spent at Millcote was a somewhat harassing one to me. Mr.

C'est M. John ATWOOD.SLATER qui avait visité notre cité, il y a quelques années, il avait alors dessiné une belle perspective de Sainte-Cécile qu'il a exposée

And not to fall behind the gentry in a great and useful department of intelligence, he made precisely one mouthful of each sandwich. Mrs. Dodd was secretly amazed, and, taking care not to be noticed by Maxley, said confidentially, "Monsieur avait bien raison; le souris a passe: par la."

Having composed more verses than any man that ever lived, Hugo can only be taken in the smallest doses; if you repeat any passage to a friend across a café table, you are both appalled by the splendour of the imagery, by the thunder of the syllables. "Quel dieu, quel moissonneur dans l'éternel été Avait s'en allant négligemment jeté Cette faucille d'or dans les champs des étoiles."

The gardener managed an occasional peep at them, sitting hand in hand. He wished the idyll to last as long as the clear daylight, but the hour for closing was four o'clock "Il n'y avait pas

Bismarck, qui s'y connaissait, avait une haute opinion de Disraeli, "Salisbury est sans importance," disait-il durant le congrès de Berlin: "ce n'est qu'une baguette peinte pour ressembler