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"With pleasure," answered Bess, making a little gesture of surprise. "But I didn't know you sang." "Only to save life," replied Waiter. "But," he added, "if I'm not mistaken that sounds like Jack's car." "It is," declared Cora, who was getting to be an expert on the puffing sounds of autos. "There he is!" she exclaimed as Jack's runabout came in sight. "And it's pretty well crowded, too."

Now, just because it's summer and there's city big-bugs in the neighborhood innocent enough to let you tinker with their autos though they'll never do it but once I don't propose to be put off. If you won't shoe this horse of mine I'll know it's because you've got so much money you don't need more.

"Yes, if I had a dollar, M'sieu, for every time I sat on one of those chairs inside the sidewalk in under the trees, you know, M'sieu and watched the autos go by! Talk about autos! there's the place for autos, coming down from that big Napoleon Arch. Some arch, that, isn't it? Yes, sir down from there to the Place de la Concorde and back again, around the Arch and on to the Bois.

The sky was cloudless, there was no wind, and the air was warm almost balmy. Many autos were out, but the owners were driving them themselves. The streets were crowded but quiet. The working class, dressed in its Sunday best, was out taking the air and observing the effects of the strike. It was all so unusual, and withal so peaceful, that I found myself enjoying it.

They bought a Ford soon afterwards and in the next few weeks of June they searched the farms for miles around, slowly adding to their herd. To Roger's surprise he found many signs of a new life stirring there the farmers buying "autos" and improved machinery, thinking of new processes; and down in the lower valleys they found several big stock farms which were decidedly modern affairs.

"Just look at the carriages, and autos, and trucks!" "This afternoon we'll hire an automobile to take us around," said Dunston Porter. "It is the only way to see a good deal in a little time." They were fortunate in getting good accommodations at the new hotel, and the boys and girls were struck by the elegance of the rooms, and, later, by the sumptuousness of the dining-hall.

"It has been a simple existence full of a charm that has meant more than all the golf and autos and dancing. I have regretted none of the yachting or the Newport gayeties. None of those things compare at all with what one finds in poor old Sweetapple Cove, with all its smell of fish, or even its rains and fogs.

The autos da fe of Smithfield were weeding out heresy and liberty from England, which he already began to look upon as a province of his empire, when his wife died, and the avowed heresy of Elizabeth blasted his hopes in that quarter. The heretic Prince of Nassau had raised insurrection in the Netherlands, which deprived him of Holland.

Several other autos soon appeared on the track to have a "tryout," and, though none of them seemed as speedy as Noddy's new machine, there was no talk of dropping out on the part of those who had entered. That gave the boys more courage, and they decided to stick, even though their chances were not good. Noddy did not speak to them, though he passed them several times.

By the time it struck the edge of the possibly conquered quicksand it was moving at the rate of forty miles an hour. Across the Man-killer the train continued for a mile in the direction of Paloma. "Now, let us all inspect the track," suggested the president of the railroad company. "Call up the autos." "Will you let me make a suggestion, sir!" queried Tom. "Go ahead, Mr. Reade."